Close Calls and Near Misses.
The fog was thick this morning. Got on county road 18... got up to 60 miles an hour and then started to think about work. I didn't even see the stop sign until it was right in front of my face... and sailed right into and through Hwy 59. My hands were shaking and my heart was in my throat for the remainder of my drive. I could see headlights through the fog as I turned around to get on Hwy 59... Had I left 20 seconds later, I would be dead right now. I couldn't find my keys... and finally woke Sydney to ask her if she knew where they were... had I known where they were and left on time... I might be dead right now. Sobering thought that you are still alive after zipping through a stop sign at 60 miles an hour acrossed a busy highway. Kinda like playing an unintentional game of russian roulette. I thought about what would have happened if I actually collided with another car. I thought about Sydney greeting the Highway Patrol at the door. I thought about my kids. What miserable thoughts. Thankfully, the Lord was looking out for me. One thing is for sure... He got my attention.
Who needs coffee after something like that occurs. I am awake people. It's events like today that make me wonder why He spares some and not others. My only thought is that He still has plans for me... There is a reason why I am still here and I don't believe in fate or luck. What I do believe is that there is a God who loves me and who is in control of the details in my life. He orchestrates these details according to His plan... and through them, attempts to draw me near to Him. Thankfully, His plan still includes me... for the moment anyway.
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