Tuesday, February 28, 2006

It was a night filled with movies like...

Just like heaven and Flight Plan...

Great movies... all I have to say is:

"You got a diet anything around here? I am about 99.9 percent parched. I need a cola. "

This line caught me off guard as being extremely funny. Adding Jon Heder to the movie was just the right touch of comedy.

I must admit, I love a good romantic comedy. If you call "Just like Heaven" a chick flick... I don't care. I liked it. Reese Witherspoon is beautiful. She reminds me of my wife Sydney... a good mixture of spunky and sexy.

I am a true romantic... the last of a dying breed... But I am okay with this. Actually, there are some chick flicks that I just won't watch... but if it has a flair of romance and comedy...?

To this I say: "Pass the popcorn and turn down the lights."

Monday, February 27, 2006

A weekend filled with Lebanese Food and Ice Skating

Saturday night, Sydney and I went to our Lebanese friend's, Sawsan and Ziad's, home for the evening with Jake, Bug Bug and Benjino. (Micker Macker's was at her first "official" sleep over that night.) We enjoyed a fun night of conversation, culture and food. So it was a great evening. Ziad and I have a lot in common such as sports and hunting. We talked a lot about that and also talked about their home country. Add Lebanon to many countries I want to visit before I leave this world. The pictures of Beirut that we saw makes me thing that a vacation on the Medditeranean Sea would be quite enjoyable.

Here are a couple of pictures I found from the web...

Anyway, that was Saturday night...

Last night... I surprised Jake and MacKenzie with a trip to the Ice Skating Rink... Our International Student Organization and Campus Crusade for Christ teamed up to cover the costs of skating... All we had to do is rent the skates. So, I brought Jake and Micker Mackers. We had a great time... I have pictures on my cell phone... but I don't have the adapter to download pictures. Our international students took about a zillion pictures of Jake, Micker Mackers and Myself. (If I can get a copy of a few of them from the international students, I will try and post some of them.) We were truly "rockstar" status last night. It was only Jake's and Micker's 2nd time skating... but they were having a blast. They now have these bars that kids can skate around with that help to support them while they are learning... Where were those things when I was learning how to skate 20 some years ago? I hadn't been skating since I was a kid... but I guess learning to roller blade in college has somehow made me a professional hockey player. Who knew? I had never been on hockey skates before... only figure skates... but I will never put on another pair of figure skates in my life... I think Jake and Mack were surprised how well their 'ol Dad could skate. Yep... if there was any doubts in their mind... their gone now... Dad.Is.Cool.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

More Questions answered...

The following are two questions rolled into one... Katie asked me how Sydney and I met and Faith in Florida asked me how I knew that Sydney was “the one.” So the following is my recollection of how we met and how I knew she was “thee one.” It is a little long... but who knows? It might be worth your time.

The first time we met was on a golf course in Grand Forks ND. I was 17 and she was 13. We both ran cross-country. I was a Junior and she was a 7th grader.

My dad was a Baptist pastor when I was growing up... and he had been filling the pulpit at a Baptist church so my dad knew the cross country coach in Sydney’s home town because of it. So this coach, approached me at a meet and introduced himself to me... and Sydney came running up to him and he introduced us. So anyway... that was the first time we met...

A couple of years went by and I was a freshman in college... summer after my freshman year actually... and my dad was still filling in as an interim pastor at Sydney’s church. My dad tells me about this really “special” girl... “Ben, you really need to come up and meet this girl.” So, I went up there to meet this girl... and we went over to their house for dinner after church... She made the apple pie and it was really good... but she was 14!

On the way home I was like "dad" what the heck?!?!?! She's 14!

And he was like, "No... not now! But just tuck her name in the back of your mind... she has a lot of qualities that you would look for in a wife..."

And I am thinking... Yeah.. right. SURE dad. You keep thinking that.

So, anyway... a couple of years pass and I was home on summer break and I went into my dad's study to grab a pen and I noticed his prayer list and one of the things on there was "Ben/Future Wife (Sydney?)" I believe that my comment to my dad was, “Dad, you need to give it up... are you cracked? I don't even know this girl... that's never going to happen.” My dad just said, “Well.... it could.” I just rolled my eyes and shook my head. By this time she was at a different college and I was close to graduating.

So, a few more years go by and my dad gets a call- from none other than Sydney... saying that "her mom needed their email address... Oh... and while you are at it... I will grab Ben’s email.... in case I ever want to send him one... you know... just in case."

Behind the scenes at her place... she had returned home from College after 2 years and after being in an abusive relationship... She was taking the semester off and was helping her mom and "Auntie Liz" in a snack shop... (they sold home cooked meals to the beet drivers.) and she was telling them how there was no one to date and that she was down about this... So they sat on each side of her and said, "We think you should call Ben." And Sydney was like, "What? I don't even know him and he doesn't know me.... I'm not calling him." But they wouldn’t quit until she went in can contacted my parents for “their email address”; essentially they forced her to go in and call my folks. So she did.

That week she sent me an email. I was out on the road traveling for my Job and didn't have access to my email... so the first email I received was from Sydney.... saying Hi Ben... I don't know if you remember me... but I am writing to see how you are doing... ect....

The next email was from my Dad with the subject line: GOD ANSWERS PRAYER.... He explained that Sydney had called to get their email for "her mom" but that "we know the real reason she called" and on and on.

The next email I received was from Sydney again, saying... "Well I guess you don't remember me... blah, blah, blah..."

AND so, we started corresponding back and forth... that weekend I had to go up and pick up a laptop computer that my folks had ordered for me... besides that, she had mentioned that she was going to Fargo... so I figured it would be a good time to pick up my computer that had been sitting there for a couple of weeks. In the meantime they had decided not to go to Fargo... but then when Sydney found out that I would be in Fargo... they changed their minds back and decided that they MUST go to Fargo to give us an opportunity to “meet” again....

After that... I started driving up to her folk's place and spending my weekends on their couch. We dated for about 4 months were engaged for 4 months and got married that July.

I think what I have taken from this whole experience is the power of prayer. My dad prayed for us for about 7 years. Crazy. Sydney and I kid... saying, the Lord finally relented..."Fine, Fine! He doesn't deserver her... but I am sick of listening to you!" I am grateful to my dad's dedication and faithfulness. And of course the Lord's grace... ‘Cause I didn't deserver her. That is for sure.

Which leads me to Faith in Florida’s question... How did I know that Sydney was “the one.” Hard to say really... I am not sure if I subscribe to the theory that there is only one “thee one.” I mean... sure, God knows who you are going to marry so from that perspective there is only one... but I truly think there is more than one woman or one man that you could happily live your life with... in other words, I don’t believe that compatibility and happiness is something that could occur with one and only one individual. I think the moment that I decided that Sydney was the one I should marry happened during the 2 months prior to our wedding. I had the worst case of cold feet... I was even nervous at our wedding. I was not experiencing feelings of elation... at the moment... I loved her... but I wasn’t sure I was “in love” with her. I am a person that never takes my commitments lightly and I tend to over think EVERYTHING. So needless to say, 2 months before we got married I thought seriously about whether this was the girl I should spend the rest of my life with... because for me, marriage is a “rest of your life” (or hers) kind of decision. Yeah, I know... I should have thought about that BEFORE I got engaged... dummy me... Hind sight is 20/20. It's probably good that I was engaged though... because if not... I may have made some other decision... Being engaged forced me to take a HARD look at this before I said I do. I look back and it was an extreme emotional rollercoaster that I forced Sydney to go through... but in both a selfish, and unselfish way, I am glad I put her through it... because I am not leaving and I never will... there is a lot of security in that. If you have to go through insecurity to have that security is it worth it? I don’t know... ask Sydney. But back to the question.... there was a point that occurred during this time where I decided that if I were to look back 10 years from now... if I didn’t marry Sydney, that I would regret it. So, at that point I made the conscious decision that she was the one I wanted to marry. While I wish I could tell you it was some romantic time “when we were staring into each other’s eyes”, I can’t. It happened during a time when I was debating about the choice I was making... and although Sydney would probably have preferred that it happened in a more romantic way... I am glad that I came to the realization in the way that I did. Love isn’t about emotions... it can be at times... and that is surely part of it... but Love is a commitment. It is telling a person that you will be there no matter what... even when you aren’t feeling the emotional side of things... when you wake up and you are annoyed with the person beside you... but you love that person enough to make it through the rough times without throwing in the towel.

So yeah... that’s how we met and that is how I knew she was “the one” I would choose to marry.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Beyonka asked:

Do you like hard water or soft water?
Don't you hate that soft water makes your soap feel like it is never completely washed off?!?!?!

Hmmmm... Never really thought of this before.

If I had to choose... I would say soft. Because I like to take really long showers... I just stand in there forever. I have mentioned this before... remember...? I have to count backwards from 10 (twice)to psych myself up to get out of the shower. Anyway... if the water is really hard, like it is at our new place, then my skin gets all dried out and itchy. Where as soft water really helps to make your skin not so dry. But I can't say that soft water has never made it feel like soap is never completely washed off... except in hotels. I have noticed this in hotels... but I just figured it was the cheap soap they provided. It's too bad that there can't be some sort of happy medium.

Anyway... there's your answer.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


"Mousetrap... I wanted to play Mousetrap. You roll your dice, you move your mice... nobody get's hurt." ...except Micker Mackers.

Mickers started crying because she "hates this game because she always loses." I supposed it didn't help that Jake and I were cheering for her to land on the "cheese wheel" when I landed on the "turn the crank" spot as spent my pieces of cheese to roll the dice to try and get her there. And then when the trap fell on top of her mouse and Jake and I were giving each other high fives? Yeah... that probably didn't help either.

So after being a poor sport... I tried to fix the damage and make her feel better. She asked if we could play Uno because she is the "Uno Champ." So we did; and she won... and then she stood up and put her hands straight up in the air and yelled "Uno Champ!"

What a gloater.

Wonder where she get's that from?

(This post was a result of Amanda Sue's request for a blog about the kids.)

Monday, February 20, 2006

Trying to figure out what to blog....

Well, it is Monday and I don't have have much to say... Any questions you want to ask me that may generate a post topic?

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Tom Green's Olympic Interviews....

Did anybody get a chance to see Tom Green on the Tonight Show last night? I can't remember laughing this hard. He is normally pretty crass, (so is Leno) and I don't normally watch the Tonight Show... but I was up late getting Sydney's business blog up and running (www.playfullychic.blogspot.com ...feel free to check it out... nothing fancy... but it works... the website shouldn't over shadow the product anyway... but then I am just making excuses.) ANYWAY, he was hilarious... Tears running down my face hilarious. He was interviewing people at the olympics and he runs into several people who couldn't speak English... and then he does this bit about how he can still communicate with them even if they don't know English and then he starts doing the musical tones from the movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind." And they start to REPEAT them. "Boop Boop Boop Boop Boo." SO funny. If you didn't see it... you totally missed out.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The Death of Freedom.

What is freedom? We throw the term around like we know what it means... but do we really? The United States... “land of the brave, home of the free?” Really? Are you sure? How do you know that you have freedom if you don’t even truly understand the word?


It can be defined in numerous ways: The following are all definitions provided by Webster himself.

1 : the quality or state of being free: as a : the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action b : liberation from slavery or restraint or from the power of another : INDEPENDENCE c : the quality or state of being exempt or released usually from something onerous d : EASE, FACILITY e : the quality of being frank, open, or outspoken f : improper familiarity g : boldness of conception or execution h : unrestricted use 2 a : a political right b : FRANCHISE, PRIVILEGE synonyms FREEDOM, LIBERTY, LICENSE mean the power or condition of acting without compulsion. FREEDOM has a broad range of application from total absence of restraint to merely a sense of not being unduly hampered or frustrated . LIBERTY suggests release from former restraint or compulsion . LICENSE implies freedom specially granted or conceded and may connote an abuse of freedom .

Now, I am not arguing any of these definitions... however, I do believe that we have added definitions to this word and we are now at the point where we can’t easily define it ourselves. Regardless of which prior definition you choose as an acceptible definition of freedom, I would ask the following questions: Can one experience freedom without possessing a free will? And if we must have a free will, then what does that mean?

Free will:

1 : voluntary choice or decision 2 : freedom of humans to make choices that are not determined by prior causes or by divine intervention.

Without question, freedom and free will go hand in hand... they are synonymous. One can not possess freedom without having free will... the freedom to choose. That said, was free will given to humans in order to give us a choice, or was the intent of free will really to give us the opportunity to choose Him, the One who made us... to choose what is right? Now in order to believe this, I realize that one must believe that there was some divine Creator. That God exists. However, the definition of free will makes this implication on its own... (as a result, I will save that debate for another time.. no defense is necessary.) I also make a correlation that choosing God and choosing what is right is the same thing. One would also have to believe that He is right and that He is not oppressive. I will leave that topic for another time as well.

In the Book, Smart Faith, the author states the following:

"Freedom was traditionally understood as the power to do what one ought to do, and individual rights were important, but virtue and duty were more central than rights. Today’s translation: We look out for number one."

(Smart Faith, Loving your God with all your mind; J.P. Moreland and Mark Matlock)

This coincides with my thoughts above that freedom was given to us so that we can choose to do what is right... not whatever we want without any restrictions. Think about it. Do we have freedom to choose anything... or do we only have the freedom to choose what is right? If it were the other way around and we had the freedom to do what ever we wanted... then there would be no reason to have laws and survival of the fittest would reign supreme. (Sure we can choose to commit a crime... but as a result, we are no longer free to choose what is right... we are forced to do it. Our liberties are taken away.)

But this transitions us into another thought... if freedom has been given to us so that we have the ability to choose what is right... How do we determine what IS right verses what IS wrong. In a society which embraces moral relativity, how can you be free to choose what is right if the societal norms keep changing? I believe the secular point of view, that everything is relative and that there are no absolutes, has essentially, killed freedom. Sure we have the ability to choose what “we” feel is right... but where are the standards? If there are no standards... if societal norms keep changing, then haven’t we really taken away the ability to choose what is right? One may suggest that what I feel is right is oppressive... but if something is truly right, then is it oppressive? If I believe that loving your God with all your heart, all your soul and all your mind is right... If I believe that the Bible is the word of God and that Jesus Christ is “the way the truth and the life...” can this be oppressive? If you answer yes, my question is: How so? How is my telling you this an imposition on your freedom? Am I taking away your ability to choose, or am I giving you an opportunity to choose what is right... an opportunity at true freedom. (Just because you have the freedom not to believe this, doesn’t mean it’s not true... or right.) Shouldn’t I have the ability to tell you this? Shouldn’t the 10 commandments be allowed in every court house? Great questions.

Our country has gone down a path and we can not won’t turn back. If we truly believe that everything is right and nobody is wrong, if we believe that what’s right for you is not necessarily what’s right for me... then haven’t we re-introduced a survival of the fittest mentality? Should we all have the freedom to do what each individual feels is “right?” I don’t believe that this was God’s intent. And in all reality, nobody believes this... evidence of this statement lies in the laws we make.

But, none-the-less, I would suggest, we have killed freedom.

“You want to be set free today? Lay it all down before the King.”
- Jeremy Camp

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day

What? No valentine? Not feeling any love? In a fight with your lover?

Well you have come to the right place.
Ben Loves you!

Does that count?

To show you how much I love my readers, I have named the two goldfish in my office after 2 of my readers. Yes, that's right, I have two goldfish whose names are Katie and Eddie. Katie is the small one and Eddie is the big one... as soon as I put food in the bowl... Eddie scarfs it all down like he was eating at Taco Bueno... leaving only a few morsels for Katie.

Anyway... I only have two fish... otherwise I would name them after all of my readers.

I love you all!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Monday, February 13, 2006

I'm skeptical.

I can't help it... it is in my nature. This morning I dumped the remaining Folgers "Columbian" coffee grounds into the new container of Folgers "Classic Roast" and I couldn't tell the difference. Hmmm. This causes me to be skeptical. I would think that a "Columbian" blend would be darker than the "Classic Roast." It should look different than the grounds in the "Classic Roast." Did I really have "Columbian" flavored coffee? Is this new stuff REALLY "Classic Roast" or does Folgers just dump the same blend into EVERY container and just put a different lable on the front?

I have a hard time not being skeptical... At times, I am even skeptical with my faith. It's easy to have doubts. We are supposed to have the faith like a child when it comes to our faith... but if I am honest, I don't. I start applying reason to different passages and it causes me to doubt. For example, in Matthew chapter 17 verse 14 it says:

14 When they came to the crowd, a man approached Jesus and knelt before him. 15 "Lord, have mercy on my son," he said. "He has seizures and is suffering greatly. He often falls into the fire or into the water. 16 I brought him to your disciples, but they could not heal him."

And I am thinking to myself... "sure" he was demon possessed... it could have been an epileptic seizure. Did he REALLY have a demon inside of him? This can be explained away with modern medicine. And of course my skepticism begins. But then Christ pulls me back immediately... you will see that in verses 17 - 20 Jesus' disciples were also struggling with doubts:

17 "O unbelieving and perverse generation," Jesus replied, "how long shall I stay with you? How long shall I put up with you? Bring the boy here to me." 18 Jesus rebuked the demon, and it came out of the boy, and he was healed from that moment. 19 Then the disciples came to Jesus in private and asked, "Why couldn't we drive it out?" 20 He replied, "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."

It's almost if He knew I was going to doubt or be skeptical and He is speaking directly to me. "Ben... why do you doubt... How long shall I put up with you? Why do you have such little faith? I tell you the truth... if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can tell mountains to move Ben. NOTHING will be impossible for you." (Of course this is my paraphrase of verses 17 through 20.) But some how... I lack faith... I can move a mountain? Pshaw. I don't believe it. It's not possible. But Jesus says it is.

Hm. It makes me think... It challenges my mind.

In the Gospel of Mark Chapter 9, this same story was told from a slightly different perspective and Jesus speaks with the father of the demon possessed boy:

21 Jesus asked the boy's father, "How long has he been like this?" "From childhood," he answered. 22 "It has often thrown him into fire or water to kill him. But if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us." 23 " 'If you can'?" said Jesus. "Everything is possible for him who believes." 24 Immediately the boy's father exclaimed, "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!"

And there is that skepticism rearing it's ugly head... as adults, it is seems impossible to have a faith like a child. The Lord promises to provide for us... at times we doubt... we worry. But, He always does. At times, He performs miracles in our presence... sends His angels to protect us from danger. But we are skeptical... we reason these occurences as mere chance or circumstance. Out of Love, He rebukes us with the words "O unbelieving and perverse generation"... but we delude ourselves into thinking He is talking to somebody else.


But I love the father's response to Jesus as Jesus questions the his faith.

It's my response as well:

Lord, "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief." Give me the faith of a child and take away my skepticism. Help me believe. ... and sure enough, my skepticism begins to fade as he allows the Holy Spirit to reveal His truths to me. And I can breathe easy knowing that He hasn't given up on me and that He remains faithful.

...That said, I still think that Folgers "Columbian" blend is the same as their "Classic Roast" blend. (My skepticism hasn't completely faded.)

Thursday, February 09, 2006

The Joy of Treasures and Pearls...

I've been changing lately...

Yesterday there were a couple of posts that I read by Katie and Eddie that really summed up where I am lately. Katie's post dealt with sacrifice and Eddie's post questioned whether you would be willing to change... and in both cases I can honestly answer that I am. About 2-3 weeks ago, I made a post about realizing that I need to be in God's word so I could know Him... friends, I can honestly tell you that I have adjusted my schedule so that I am making this happen... and life is good. It's funny how life is great when we are walking beside the Lord in our daily lives... Some of the best times in my life have been when I have been in His word daily... you would think that after a while we would realize this and as a result we would walk humbly with our God, knowing that our dependence on him will be credited as righteousness. But we don't. We get busy and we forget about how great life is when we are living in accordance to His word. Many of us know we are not in his word and realize that we need the change... but never quite take the step to make a change. To encourage you who are not in his word... make the change. But actually, that is not the point of this post...

I was reading Matthew Chapter 13 this morning and two of the parables really got me thinking. They are all good and the parable of the Sower really challenges each person to evaluate what kind of soil they are and if the are not the “good soil” rich with nutrients that will produce a good crop... then change is necessary. But the two parables that really caught my eye were the following:

The Parables of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl

44 "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.

45 "Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. 46 When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.

The men in these parables recognized value. They knew what the kingdom of heaven was worth... they where willing to sell, or sacrifice, everything they had to obtain it. These parables don’t mean to imply that the kingdom of heaven can be purchased, or for that matter that God expects you to go out and sell all of your possessions... although, maybe He is asking some to do that. (I truly believe that the Lord blesses some people with wealth because they are faithful in using those blessings to help others.) But what these illustrations are implying is that there is wisdom in understanding that things of this world are temporary and that it is worth sacrificing EVERYTHING to be in the presence of the Lord. Serving the Lord is worth every sacrifice that you make...

I pray that God continues to change me... In the past, I believe that I have been both the rocky soil and the soil that has thorns growing on it... but I think that as we get into His word, He uses this to till the soil; this tilling action brings the rocks to the surface and removes the thorns from the field so that we can become “good soil.” I pray that, as a result, He can use me. That I would “produce a crop, one hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.” As I read this verse (Matt 13:23), I thought... what determines the size of the crop? And then it hit me. It depends on how rich the soil is. There is good soil and then there is great soil. I think the more we sacrifice and the more we depend on Him and walk in accordance to His word... if we are faithful to His commands, then we will produce crops 100 times what was sown.

Will the sacrifices we make be worth it? I place my hope in hearing God say to me, “Well done, my good and faithful servant, great is your reward.”

Being in the presence of the Lord will be all the reward we will need... and, without question, it will be worth it. And there will be joy.

"Those who have ears; let them hear."

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Gotta Keep Singin'

I have a CD player in my car and I have about a 25 mile commute to work everyday... for those of you who are use to rush hour traffic, 25 miles = an hour and a half in your world. In my world, 25 miles = 25 minutes. But normally, I put a CD in and it is in my CD player for about 2 - 3 weeks... mostly because I have forgotten how great the actual CD is and I haven't listened to it in about 7 or 8 months... that and I am lazy and it takes too much effort to unzip my CD case and change CD's. Well recently, I have been listening to Mercy Me's Undone CD. There is song I have never listened to because, when I first skipped through all the songs after unwrapping the CD and listening to the first 10-15 seconds of each song, I never gave it a chance. The song is a perfect song for those of us who are going through struggles or tough times... and we all do at one time or another. Suzy from Faith in Florida has crossed my mind when I have listened to this song... (I wish that I could say that I prayed for you when you crossed my mind during this song, but honestly, I didn't... but I WILL lift you up in prayer today.) Anyway... at other times, it has reminded me of my situation at work... and how unsatisfied I am. It has brought a bright spot to my day this last few days and I usually start with it when I jump in the car. It changes my perspective immediately.

Another rainy day...
I can't recall, having sunshine on my face...

All I feel is pain...
All I wanna do, is walk out of this place...

But when I am stuck, I can't move.
When I don't know what I should do...
When I wonder if I'll ever make it through...

I gotta keep singin'.
I gotta keep praising Your name.
You're the one that's keeping my heart beating.

I gotta keep singin'
I gotta keep praising Your name.
That's the only way that I'll find healing.

Can I climb up in Your lap?
I don't wanna leave!
Jesus sing over me.

I gotta keep singin'
Oh You're everything I need...
And I gotta keep singing...

It's a great song and it gives me a great opportunity to praise the One who not only showers us with blessings, but sends us struggles and trials to refine us and draw us close to him. If you haven't heard the song... it is worth the $15.00 to buy the cd. Go buy it. You won't regret it. Tell them Ben sent you and you will get an additional 15% off.

Okay... no you won't... they will just look at you funny.
But BUY the cd.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Rub a dub dub... two logs in a tub.

"I poopin! I poopin!"

and then...

a blood curdling scream... Bug Bug was in the tub with two logs laying right in front of her.

Tramatized. Some how, I am sure she hadn't seen herself poop before.
S-P-O-O-K-Y. Not to mention nasty... so dad to a the rescue... scooping two logs out of the tub with my bare hands... If THAT'S not birth control for all of you single people out there. Ick.

So Sydney wipes her crack and scrubs the toys as I scrubbed the tub... she literally was frightened of the bath tub and didn't want to get back in... thinking that some how the faucet was going to crap a big log on her or something. Sydney said that she was cowering in the back of the tub pointing at a piece of lint crying "Poopy... Poopy."

Anyway... I am glad I go to work during the days and miss out on most of these "good times."

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Happy Blogiversary!

Married in Minnesota is a year old as of yesterday! Would you miss us if we weren't here?

We are...

Officially wireless at home... we don't have high speed internet yet... but we are no longer attached to a phone cord. So, now, Sydney and I can be on the internet AT the same time. Technology continues to amaze me.


Friday, February 03, 2006


I have decided to submit my resume to some place else... For the first time, that I can remember, I am excited about the possibility of change.

Send up some prayers on our behalf.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

A smorgasbord of "indoctrination, civil discourse, and cultural relativism"

I realize this post is all over the board on different topics that have been zipping through my mind over the last couple of days... but but they were based on a single conversation with my boss so, here goes:

So let me set the stage... I am in my office and my boss comes in and sees Sean Hannity's "Let Freedom Ring" book on my desk and starts giving me a hard time. And of course he asks “if I am indoctrinating my kids with this stuff...” My response is, "Don, the only thing I have indoctrinated into my kids is my love for the Green Bay Packers." He laughs. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that he is liberal and I am conservative... but then, he sees a book by Eric Alterman (who is an extreme leftist) titled "What Liberal Media?" and then somehow, suddenly, I am now "okay" in his eyes. Which my response to him is this... Don, don’t we work at a university? Is not a university setting a place where an exchange of ideas should take place so people can critically think about ideas that are foreign to them and gain knowledge through understanding all of the angles? Or is it a place where we try to indoctrinate people by presenting one side as truth so that the person is kept in the dark about certain perspectives? Personally, I think it is important to read material and watch shows and be exposed to ideologies that go against our beliefs so we give ourselves an opportunity to decide for ourselves what we truly believe. How do you know if what you believe is true if you don’t provide yourself with an opportunity to understand all of the options that are out there?

Working in a liberal university setting, I struggle with the fact that, if you have Christian beliefs and ideologies, they are immediately invalidated as ludicrous or antiquated and somehow they shouldn’t be discussed or that you lack intelligence because you have these beliefs. We live in a society of cultural relativism. Where there are no absolutes and it is offensive for a person to tell others that what they believe is wrong. The majority has a problem with Christianity because our faith is based on absolutes... according to my faith, there is right and wrong. But nobody wants to be told that they are wrong. As I was speaking with Don, our conversation on the university setting and exchange of ideas led to a discussion on the topic of homosexuality... (I have no idea how we went down this path... but it happened.) At some point in the conversation I responded with a comment that I don’t believe it is morally right. To which his response was, “well what if the person doesn’t have a choice... what if it was how they way they were born? What if they had been struggling with homosexuality all their life and suddenly they decided to quit fighting it and have decided come to the resolve that they are gay? Are you telling me this person is wrong?” My response was lengthy, but I expressed my thoughts the following way:

“I'm not sure I agree with your thoughts that they were born this way. I don’t believe that science has found evidence that people are missing a chromosome or that somehow scientists have found that the structure of DNA in a homosexual is different of that of a heterosexual... but for discussion sake, let’s say that that they were born that way. For example, from a biblical perspective, God made guys very visual sexually. So, generally speaking, we are easily tempted by the sight of a naked woman. Essentially, we were made that way according to God’s design... we were born that way. I still don't believe that this would give us the justification to give into those thoughts and desires and sleep with as many women as we want. I would suggest that, we all have different things we are tempted by... we all have our own vices... as the bible puts it, “thorns in the flesh.” I believe that homosexuality is a sin that people are tempted with... While I don’t presume to understand why the Lord allows some to struggle with the temptation of homosexuality, I don’t believe it is okay to give into these temptations either."

Don just walked away shaking his head... probably having a hard time fathoming how people could still believe the way I do.

Further thoughts on the subject:

Just because I don’t believe that it is morally right to live this lifestyle, I don’t believe that it is my place to go out and beat my beliefs into or hate people who chose this lifestyle. For that matter, we have all made wrong choices at times and I am in no position to judge someone's actions. In the same breathe, I have a right to state my beliefs and if that is offensive, well I am sorry... that is definitely not my intent... Just because my beliefs are telling you that I believe that this lifestyle is wrong does not somehow make me a bigot or uncaring... Now we could get into a debate on the definition of the word "judge" but I don't believe that telling someone that they are wrong is judgemental. My position is one of tolerance, but not acceptance. I can be friends and love a person that is struggling with this sinful lifestyle... but I can not embrace or condone their choice. I can agree to disagree and still care about a person.

Coming full circle with this thought process... it is a struggle to work in the environment that I do and, for Christians, it is a struggle to live in the world that we do because all ideas and beliefs are deemed okay except those that are based on biblical principles. My perspective is that, no matter what society chooses to believe, there are still absolutes. Everything isn’t all relative. Just because societal norms shift in a certain direction, doesn’t mean they are right. There is truth and there are absolutes... regardless of what one chooses to believe.

Anyway... talk amongst yourselves.