Tuesday, February 28, 2006

It was a night filled with movies like...

Just like heaven and Flight Plan...

Great movies... all I have to say is:

"You got a diet anything around here? I am about 99.9 percent parched. I need a cola. "

This line caught me off guard as being extremely funny. Adding Jon Heder to the movie was just the right touch of comedy.

I must admit, I love a good romantic comedy. If you call "Just like Heaven" a chick flick... I don't care. I liked it. Reese Witherspoon is beautiful. She reminds me of my wife Sydney... a good mixture of spunky and sexy.

I am a true romantic... the last of a dying breed... But I am okay with this. Actually, there are some chick flicks that I just won't watch... but if it has a flair of romance and comedy...?

To this I say: "Pass the popcorn and turn down the lights."


Blogger Eddo said...

nothing to drink but a big glass of "Oh NO YOU DIDN't!!!"

I saw that comment you left on the BP site - that is a minus 20 friend points.

We are in a fight.

9:45 PM

Blogger Greg said...

At least it wasn't a -20 points for having my blog roll too long... guess posted note can stay. :)

9:52 PM

Blogger Amstaff Mom said...

I liked both movies as well. I guess I'm a true chick.

8:53 AM

Blogger Katie said...

I really liked Just like heaven, it was funny and sweet and not over the top, so an all around good romantic/comedy chick flick.

So my question is, what chick flicks will you not watch? Inquiring minds want to know.

9:00 AM

Blogger Greg said...

Phantom of the Opera... Anne of Green Gables... Beaches... anything like that.

10:29 AM

Blogger Katie said...

ok so explain to me the connection between Phantom, Anne, and Beaches, what ties them all together so that you don't like them

11:20 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

....and then Hula calls and interrupts the ding dong movie. All romance lost. Try again tomorrow evening. I promise I won't call then!! *giggle

11:33 AM

Blogger Greg said...

Katie... those movies are "femmy."

Hula - I KNOW... and then I was expected to wait until you both were done yappin' Who knows when that would have been... so I pushed play and yes... romance gone.

11:33 AM

Blogger Stephanie said...

Three cheers for chick flicks! (...and the men who enjoy them. The non-femmy ones of course ;)

1:48 PM

Blogger Amstaff Mom said...

I watched Just like Heaven last night again with my s-i-l. It was even better the second time.


10:57 AM

Blogger Josefina said...

Ben,I have a question for you. I'm chilean (south-southamerica), and here we are convinced people in USA 1) don't marry or 2)marry after their 30s and/or 3) have 1 max 2 children.
How is it you are around your 30s, 4 children and married so young?
I mean, I thought there were no longer families like that..or like mine! (we are 6 brothers and sisters, in Chile you can still find big families, specially among catholic-upper class families).
I'm not "criticizing" you, on the contrary, I'm positively amazed, congratulations!! (I would love to have 4 children, there's none yet but we're working on that)

11:07 AM

Blogger Greg said...


Hey! Thanks for stopping by... and yes, Sydney and I tend to be the exception more than the rule. Seems like big families have gone by the wayside... especially here in the US. I believe that most couples have 2 children on average. It was our desire to have a big family. Sydney comes from a family of 5 brother's and sisters and there is always so much joy and laughter when we go to her house for the Holidays. So we wanted the same thing. All of them were planned... we always get this "look" when people find out that we have 4 children... and then it never fails that every now and then someone asks if they were all planned. The Lord has truly blessed us and our "quiver" is full. Our priorities are different... We have "nice" stuff... but we don't have all the $30,000 cars and and big house. We live month to month... but the Lord is providing. I don't mean to imply that someone choosing only to have 2 children an a lot of material things is wrong... we just have different priorities.
For us 4 children is the perfect amount... and our family would not be complete without Benji who arrived 5 months ago.

Thanks for the encouragement! Hope you eventually have a big family as well! :)

1:53 PM

Blogger Josefina said...

So glad to hear that, I, as you, respect totally ones that want to have less kids (and maybe they couldn''t have more!), but I love big families, of course always being responsible as to be able to provide our kids what they deserve.
Hope you learn spanish some day so you can read my non-coherent blog!!
In the meantime, if you like you can visit some chilean pages, for example www.sernatur.cl is the government turist department page, maybe it's in english also (I haven't checked), so you could have an approach to this small country (with a recently elected woman president, not of my preferences, but anyway it's something curious to brag about), ideal for raising big families (and a lot cheaper than US...just in case you want to move!)
Best wishes to you and your lovely family!)

2:27 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Flight plan? A romantic comedy? Hmm. Perhaps I should watch it again.

However, I have wanted to see Just Like Heaven. You have inspired me. Perhaps I shall do so this weekend. With a diet coke. And popcorn. And M&Ms. Yum.

3:45 PM

Blogger Greg said...


Flight plan is not a romantic comedy. Good movie... but no romance.

Just Like Heaven is a Popcorn and diet (I guess) Coke and M&M's kind of movie. Enjoy!

7:57 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also love the "99.9 percent parched line" !
Pretty good film all around - of
course I'm in love with Ms. Witherspoon now, after seeing this
and Walk The Line.

5:20 PM


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