A weekend filled with Lebanese Food and Ice Skating
Saturday night, Sydney and I went to our Lebanese friend's, Sawsan and Ziad's, home for the evening with Jake, Bug Bug and Benjino. (Micker Macker's was at her first "official" sleep over that night.) We enjoyed a fun night of conversation, culture and food. So it was a great evening. Ziad and I have a lot in common such as sports and hunting. We talked a lot about that and also talked about their home country. Add Lebanon to many countries I want to visit before I leave this world. The pictures of Beirut that we saw makes me thing that a vacation on the Medditeranean Sea would be quite enjoyable.
Here are a couple of pictures I found from the web...

Anyway, that was Saturday night...
Last night... I surprised Jake and MacKenzie with a trip to the Ice Skating Rink... Our International Student Organization and Campus Crusade for Christ teamed up to cover the costs of skating... All we had to do is rent the skates. So, I brought Jake and Micker Mackers. We had a great time... I have pictures on my cell phone... but I don't have the adapter to download pictures. Our international students took about a zillion pictures of Jake, Micker Mackers and Myself. (If I can get a copy of a few of them from the international students, I will try and post some of them.) We were truly "rockstar" status last night. It was only Jake's and Micker's 2nd time skating... but they were having a blast. They now have these bars that kids can skate around with that help to support them while they are learning... Where were those things when I was learning how to skate 20 some years ago? I hadn't been skating since I was a kid... but I guess learning to roller blade in college has somehow made me a professional hockey player. Who knew? I had never been on hockey skates before... only figure skates... but I will never put on another pair of figure skates in my life... I think Jake and Mack were surprised how well their 'ol Dad could skate. Yep... if there was any doubts in their mind... their gone now... Dad.Is.Cool.
Ok I laughed when I read the phrase "figure skates" over and over again. Is that a little known talent of yours, figure skating? Can you do a triple saukow or flip? And I need that bar now because me and ice skates is a disaster waiting to happen.
Fun times with the McMinn family over the weekend.
10:01 AM
11:01 AM
oops stupid blogger messed up my comment, it should read:
ben is femmy
11:06 AM
uh oh, again with the blogger messup
take three:
ben is not femmy
11:06 AM
Did you actually eat Lebanese food, or was it a Greek place? Because every Greek restaurant I've ever been to (and I like Greek food) has Lebanese owners with pictures of Lebanon all over the walls. Go figure.
Good job on the skating. I'm ready to go skate sometime.
1:42 PM
You can never go wrong with kids and iceskating.
12:42 PM
Wow! Those are some amazing pictures!
Glad you had a great night with friends, Ben!
1:47 PM
Figure skates....nice. I am SO leaving that alone.
8:22 PM
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