Saturday, October 29, 2005

T-Minus 1 Day and Tomorrow I'm Off...

Well, Thanks to Sydney, I am packed and ready to go. I know, pathetic... she's not even going, yet she packed my clothes. Have I ever mentioned how fortunate I am to have such a wonderful wife? Okay, then I will say it again... The Lord has truly blessed me. I am off tomorrow. I am packed and ready to go. I will blog once or twice from over seas. I have my computer and about 12 hours of battery life. I have two presentations and other than that... the rest is for communication... although I will only have about 6 hours. So, I will write my post out... and then quickly type it... that way, I can make a couple of posts. Anyway... Keep me in your prayers. I know you all will, but say an extra prayer from time to time... although I got an A in physics... I still don't why a plane doesn't fall out of the sky like a big rock.

Back in two weeks... maybe sooner.

God is Good!

Friday, October 28, 2005

T-Minus 2 Days and Counting...

I don't even know if I like Indian food. Guess I will find out. I like chicken and I believe that chicken is a staple to their diet. Love rice... Spices don't bother me... so? I will see how it goes... if I don't like it... great time to start dieting.

A whirl wind of activity is flowing through my mind right now... packing, passport, money, gifts, the plane trip. It will all come together...

Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would ever go to India and Nepal. Never. They have always been countries that are a world away. Knew where they were... but never thought I would be going.


I thought Hawaii or Mexico would be cool.

One more post before I leave.

The WOTD...

The Word of the Day is: Anticipation.

First thing that comes to your mind?

Thursday, October 27, 2005

T-Minus 3 Days and Counting...

Is it bad that I haven't even thought about packing yet? I am still trying to figure out how big my carry-on can be and whether I can bring a 1 big suitcase, 1 smaller suitcase, a garmet bag and my computer? Seems like a lot for one person... but I have to pack my suit seperately so it doesn't get wrinkled. And I want a small carry on in case my luggage gets lost and I have to go to plan "B". Plus I have to have room for souveniers. Right?

Short post. I have a lot to do before I leave on Sunday.

The WOTD...

The Word of the Day is: Unprepared.

First thing that comes to your mind.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

T-Minus 4 Days and Counting...

Well, yesterday was crazy busy as a result of issues coming up at work on Monday. Yesterday... rather than preparing for my trip and making sure I am caught up when I leave the office... I was dropping everything to do what the President wanted me to do. So, I put in pretty much a 12 hour day yesterday with little to no thanks. All I can say is... 4 Days and Counting. Speaking of the countdown...

One of the things I am looking forward to while I am over there is bartering at the local markets. I love bartering. As a matter of fact... my ideal job would be to move to a heavy populated area and work as a purchasing agent. What I would do is hire my bartering skillZ (with a capital Z) out to anyone who hates to do this sort of thing. The only payment I would charge is 50% of whatever I saved you. So for example, if I saved you $300.00 on a Sofa/Chair combination at a furniture store... then you would pay me $150.00. I have so many stories of "dickering" people down that it isn't funny. A case in point was the first necklace I bought Sydney. It was a $890.00 heart shaped pendant with a diamond in the middle. It was Christmas time and I had $500.00 cash in my pocket... (I was rich back then... and no I did not spend this amount of money on every girl I dated... Sydney was special and I knew she was "thee one.") Anyway, I walking by a jewery store and I saw the necklace... so I stopped in to see what the price was. Here's how the conversation went:

Me: "Can I see that necklace?"

Lady behind the counter: "Sure."

Me: "$890.00 for that?"

Lady behind the counter: "What were you thinking the price would be?"

Me: "Not THAT. That's way out of my price range."

Me: "Still I really like it... and I know she would too... I tell you what, I'll give you $500 for it."

Lady behind the counter: "Are you kidding me? There is no way the owner would go for that."

Me: "Well, I have $500.00 in cash right now and that is all I can do."

Lady behind the counter: "Well, that's not going to be enough."

Me: "Umm. Ma'am?"

Lady behind the counter: "Yes?"

Me: "Are you the owner?"

Lady behind the counter: "No."

Me: "Is the owner here?"

Lady behind the counter: "Yes, he is in back."


Lady behind the counter: "Okay... but he is not going to go for it."

Me: "Well, the worst he can say is no. Right?"

Lady behind the counter: "You're right."

*Few minutes later*

LBTC: "Wow. He said, yes... but only if you will pay the tax on $500.00."

Me: "Um. I guess it's no deal then."

LBTC: "What??"

Me: "I told you all I have is $500.00 cash. That's it."

Me: "Can you tell him that?"

*Goes back to the owner... comes back a few minutes later.*

LBTC: "Well, today is your lucky day. He agreed to do it for $500.00 even."

Me: "Perfect. I'll take it."

*As I am walking out the door with my $900.00 necklace for $500.00*

Owner: "Merry Christmas!"

And that's just one of the many stories. I would have made $200.0o if I was making a purchase like that for somebody else. So, to make a long story short... I can't wait to barter with the local Indians. I live and breathe for getting the best deal possible. Okay... living and breathing is a stretch. But trust me when I tell you it will be one of the highlights to my trip.

The WOTD...

The Word of the Day is: Stairway.

The first thing that comes to your mind?

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

T-Minus 5 Days and Counting...

I am gonna ride a Rickshaw when I am over there. And not one of these motorized vehicles but one that has a man holding on to two poles and pulling me around the city... like Kramer.

(A side note: I spelled rickshaw correctly.)

Announcer: "The word is: Ricksha."

Me: "Rickshaw."

Me: "Can you use it in a sentence?"

Announcer: "Ricksha. The man was traveling on a bumpy road in a ricksha."

Me: "Country of Origin?"

Announcer: "Japan"

Me: "Are there any other pronounciations?"

Announcer: "No."

Me: "Can you repeat the word one more time?"

Announcer: "Ricksha."

Me: "Rickshaw. R-I-C-K-S-H-A-W. Rickshaw.

Announcer: "We will accept that answer. That is considered an acceptable variant of the word, Ricksha."

Me: "HA."

Okay... back to my post...

I mean who among us can say that they have traveled by rickshaw? Not many. But I will have joined the chosen few over the next couple of weeks. And after I get done riding around... I am going to give the guy a little extra money to help his family out. Some rickshaw driver is going to have one really good day after he has pulled me around.

(After I re-read this post... is it bad to have some guy pull you around on a rickshaw?)

The WOTD...

The Word of the Day is: Chilly.

The first thing that comes to your mind.

Monday, October 24, 2005

T-Minus 6 Days and Counting...

Not including today... In six days I board that big "iron bird" and take off for India. That said, I feel like I am not ready in terms of all the things I need to do. I still have to finish my powerpoint presentation for my presentations when I am over there... I still have to pack both a suitcase and a carry on... purchase some traveler's checks.

For those of you who have recently started to read my blog... and I guess for those of you who read my blog quite frequently... (I haven't mentioned too much about it...) I am traveling to India and Nepal for about 2 weeks for work. When I am over there, I will be meeting with a few companies and giving a few presentations. The other days, I will be a tourist. I have a friend who has set up a couple of days of Tourism in India and in Nepal, I have a friend who has done the same. I am actually taking an airplane around Mount Everest. Hopefully it doesn't crash and I have to survive by eating the pilot or something... but I am excited about the trip. Should be great. At the same time, I would be lying if I didn't tell you that I will be a little relieved when the trip is over... not that I am looking past it or that I don't want to go... but a safe trip and hindsight will be a good thing I think.

If I hadn't watched the show "LOST" ... I would be fine. lol. They were on a flight from Austrailia and I am coming from India... so I should be okay. Right? LOL.

Anyway, I have my shots, still need to speak with my doctor about some antibiotics... but took my first pill last night, to prevent Malaria when I get bit by those mosquitoes over there. Passport with visas are in hand, plane tickets are bought... Guess I am really going. lol. I have been to the UK before... but other than Canada on a couple of Fishing trips... I have't been anywhere. SO, this will be quite the adventure.

Okay... I added Blogger comments back to my template... so post your comments where ever. Haloscan doesn't seem to be working...

The WOTD...

The Word of the Day is: Ocean.

First thing that goes through your mind.

Friday, October 21, 2005

No post today.

Talk amongst yourselves...

(That and go wish Kpinion a Happy Blogthday.)

Thursday, October 20, 2005


Fox news reports that a single ticket sold in Oregon matched all six numbers drawn in Wednesday’s Powerball game to with the $340 million jackpot.

Fox news obtained an exclusive interview with the winner this morning:

Reporter: “So Steve...” (interrupted)

Steve: “Call me Jubal.”

Reporter: “Sorry, Mr. Jubal... what does it feel like to be the winner of 340 million dollars?”

Jubal: “Woo hoo... God is good! I just give all the glory to God. He has big plans for this money.”

Reporter: “So are you telling me that you are giving all this money to God?”

Jubal: “Well technically it is all His money... He just gave it to me to use for His perfect will. But 34 million will immediately go to the church.”

Reporter: “So Mr. Jubal, do you have any other plans for the money?”

Jubal: “You mean if there is anything left after taxes? HA! No, just kidding with you bud...

I am going to set up a fund for my friends in Russian who are sharing the Good News of what our Lord, Jesus Christ did when he died on the cross for us. They work with orphan kids over there and I know they could really use some of the money. I think I am going to set up a Christian recording studio and after I record a couple of CD’s myself, then I am going to start looking for talented Christian singers, and give them an opportunity to sing professionally. And finally, I can’t forget my blogging friends...” *puts his face up to the camera, sticks his tongue out and shouts* “EDDIE! Hi KT... Jes.... Roger.... Amstaff.... Brian.... Ben and Sydney!!!! HA! I'm Shakin' My Monkey Maker Ben!!! Ooooh ah OOOoooH! HA!"

Reporter: “What's a 'Monkey Maker' and are you telling me that you are going to give friends you met online money??”

Jubal: “SURE. Why not... Million each. Enjoy guys! God is Good!”

Reporter: “Why do you keep flipping french fries into your mouth?”

Jubal: “Cause that’s just how I roll... you should see me do a piece of cake” *looks into the camera...* “This is some funny stuff.”

Reporter: “So, what made you choose those numbers?

Jubal: “Numbers were from favorite verses underlined in my Bible."

Reporter: “Do you realize that the odds of winning with all 6 numbers is 1 in 146 million?”

Jubal: “Who needs odds when the Lord is on your side??”

Reporter: “So, I have to ask the question... are you going to Disneyland?”

Jubal: “Forget Disneyland, I’m going to the Tehksaaasssss State Fair... Again. Hello fried peanut butter and jelly sandwiches!”

“God is Good!”

Reporter: “There you have it folks; He’s going to the Texas State Fair. Signing off...” *Interupted*

Jubal: “Hey, Check out my Tattoos! God is Good!”

I am sure this is how it would have gone down... Why don't you all go over and congratulate Steve on winning the lotto?


The WOTD...

Almost forgot the WOTD.

The Word of the Day is: leaves.

First thing that comes to your mind?

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Three posts in one day!!!

How cool are y'all to get 3 posts in the same day.

This post should have been posted yesterday, if I HADN'T FORGOTTEN THAT IT WAS BUG BUG'S BIRTHDAY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

What kind of a loser dad forget's that it is his daughter's birthday? Okay, well I do have an excuse... we celebrated it on Saturday when Grandpa and Grandma were here... so we did know it was her birthday... but I just forgot yesterday. SO in light of my failure to post birthday wishes for Bug Bug... Here they are now:


Here are a couple of Pictures to show you how cute she is getting...

Another template is ready to go...

Burning the midnight oil... I get into a project/template design and it's hard to quit. Then, when I eventually do quit, I have all these cool ideas rolling around in my mind about how I could do this, or how I could do that... Normally, I fall asleep not thirty seconds after my head hits the pillow... but not last night.

In short, I am a little tired. Happy with the design I have come up with... but a little tired.

I will let you all know when it is up so I can give you the link and see what you think.

UPDATE: My newest template design is up and running at:
Spinning in Circles

Go check it out and say hi to "Kori"!

The WOTD...

The Word of the Day is: duck

The first thing that comes to your mind.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Breakin' the Law...

Stepping out of the shower yesterday... I remembered.

"I am supposed to be in Minneapolis/St. Paul today."

I hate that feeling... it's 6:50, my meeting is at 10:00 and it takes about 3 hours to get to downtown St. Paul. That's a miserable feeling... BUT, if I hurried, I could make it... so I logged on to my email account to get the driving instructions... and it doesn't work. For some reason the webbased Microsoft Outlook wouldn't work yesterday... SO, I had to drive 23 miles into work and then 23 miles back in the same direction... just to get some lousy driving instructions... when I could have printed them off at home... but, what can you do?

So I took off from work at 7:46 and I arrived at the meeting at 10:30... pretty good time. Considering I had to go about 45 miles out of my way.

Okay, I admit it... I was flying down some back roads at about 85-90 miles an hour to make up some time... which brings me to the central theme of this post... Why is it that we can justify speeding, but not other sins? Now 85-90 miles per hour is an extreme I realize and there is no gray area... but of course I told Sydney that I was going to race down some back roads and she said, "Well, be safe and don't get caught." To which my response was, "Cause if you don't get caught then it's not wrong." We both laughed as I continued to speed. So I know I was wrong... but I had to get to a meeting... and I should have gone the speed limit... but somehow I am not really convicted about this. Why is that?

But back to my speeding question... let's say it is not 85-90 miles per hour... but it is only 71 (or 72) in a 65 mile an hour zone. Is it wrong? I mean, we all know that the police officer is going to give us a 7-8 mile per hour cushion... so is it okay to knowingly drive that fast when the law says 65 miles an hour? Is it kind of like ignoring those obscure laws on the books that every state has... like you can't chew gum while skipping on the sidewalk on the 3rd Sunday of every month? If you do, are you really breaking the law? Do some laws become obsolete if they are never inforced, thereby making alright to break them?

This is what is going through my head this morning.

The WOTD...

The word of the day is: Quick

The first thing that comes to your mind.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Fresh starts are always... well, refreshing...

Just a quick post...

"Shenna girl" of Living In Grace decided to delete her old blog and start over in order to take a more annonymous approach to blogging. I decided to help her with her fresh start by creating a new template for her. Why don't you go over and see her new place and say hi!

Fresh starts are fun... don't cha think? Enjoy Shenna.

Friday, October 14, 2005

You all are AMAZING.

I continue to be blessed by this world of blogging... Let me set the stage for you:

Yesterday was a long day, starting with not being able to find my glasses... late appointments... flu shot... bee in my car as I was driving... dropped cell phone calls IN an area where this should NOT happen... and the list goes on. Not that it was a really bad day, but just long... I got home and...

WOULDN'T YOU KNOW IT... a day brightener had been sent to us by one of our blogging friends. Hula Doula sent us a couple of outfits to welcome Benji into the world. Both Sydney and I thought that was one of the coolest things somebody could do. Crazy thing this world of blogging is... Although we have met over the miles through this form of communication, we have never actually met in person; yet we are friends. I have a handfull of friends that I have met through blogging that are without a doubt some of the closest friends that I have ever had. We have close friends around here... but written word allows better insight into someones thoughts; I would argue that this allows for a deeper connection to that person... people tend to be more genuine... they tend to be real on their web logs and you get to know that person better because you are "Hanging out" online daily... which is more than you do with even your closest friends where you live.

With those thoughts, Hula thanks for your thoughtfulness. We have truly been blessed by your friendship. To all of our other close friends in the bloggosphere... and you know who you are, you are the best... literally a bright spot to our day.

In the words of one of these close friends:

God is good!

The WOTD...

The Word of the Day is: Ridiculous

First thing that comes to your mind?

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Just call me...Mr. Magoo

Lost my glasses. How does one lose his glasses? I have absolutely no idea. I stepped back into leading youth group this year. Sydney and I led the youth together for about 4 years. I took a break while I was going to school for the last 3 & 1/2 years... but now that I am finished, I stepped back in... anyway, between last night and this morning, I can't find my glasses any where. I know that I wore them as I was pelting Jr. and Sr. High Kids with a dodgeball... but I can't remember if I was wearing them when Will and I were "schooling" Jamie and Damion in basketball. 13 to 8 is, in my book, schooling them... Especially when Jamie is probably a foot taller than me and I had an awesome fade away... but I digress. Anyway, I woke up this morning and I spent about 5 minutes looking for them... couldn't find them. So I drove to the church and they aren't there... so my vision is impaired... Blurry if you will. Hopefully this post talks about losing my glasses.. because I can't read it. I am like a blind man trying to pick a criminal from a line up right now... If I squint hard, I can make out shapes and figures...

"Yes, officer... I am sure it was that lady over there with the beard?"

The WOTD...

The Word of the Day is: Farsighted

The first thing that comes to your mind?

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Better late then never...

I started to post at about 7:15 this morning... and this is as far as I have gotten and it is nw 1:30. So... I am kind of behind. My morning... spent the first few hours in Court with one of our students helping her out... then I spent a couple of hours with a friend planning our trip to India and Nepal... going over details.

Now I just received information from him that is Dad is in an Intensive Care Unit in his home country. So, I am not sure what will be happening with my trip. Of course my worry is for his Dad. But I am also up in the air about travels now.

I will keep you posted.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Oh how I wish I had a job I loved to go to everyday... is this too much to ask? I know that work will always be work. I am not ... what's the word I am looking for... disillusioned... nor are the struggles that I deal with any worse than anybody elses... I am just venting. This is my place... and I decided to vent today. Half my problem is that I don't know what I want to do next. Wish I had more computer skills... I am pretty adept with computers... but not to where I could make a living working with them. My design skills are pretty good and I am pretty creative... social skills are great, public speaking is good... I have plenty of degrees... Just need to figure out where to use these skills in a healthy environment. Seriously, anybody have any suggestions... let me know.

Until the next option, I am trying to be content with where the Lord has me... just frazzled today.

The WOTD...

The Word of the Day is: Ticked.

First thing that comes to your mind.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Close Calls and Near Misses.

The fog was thick this morning. Got on county road 18... got up to 60 miles an hour and then started to think about work. I didn't even see the stop sign until it was right in front of my face... and sailed right into and through Hwy 59. My hands were shaking and my heart was in my throat for the remainder of my drive. I could see headlights through the fog as I turned around to get on Hwy 59... Had I left 20 seconds later, I would be dead right now. I couldn't find my keys... and finally woke Sydney to ask her if she knew where they were... had I known where they were and left on time... I might be dead right now. Sobering thought that you are still alive after zipping through a stop sign at 60 miles an hour acrossed a busy highway. Kinda like playing an unintentional game of russian roulette. I thought about what would have happened if I actually collided with another car. I thought about Sydney greeting the Highway Patrol at the door. I thought about my kids. What miserable thoughts. Thankfully, the Lord was looking out for me. One thing is for sure... He got my attention.

Who needs coffee after something like that occurs. I am awake people. It's events like today that make me wonder why He spares some and not others. My only thought is that He still has plans for me... There is a reason why I am still here and I don't believe in fate or luck. What I do believe is that there is a God who loves me and who is in control of the details in my life. He orchestrates these details according to His plan... and through them, attempts to draw me near to Him. Thankfully, His plan still includes me... for the moment anyway.

The WOTD...

The Word of the Day is: seconds.

First thing that comes to your mind?

Saturday, October 08, 2005


Here is Bug Bug... jumping on the trampoline. Concentrating hard... working on her coordination. If you think this is funny... you should see her dance. lol.

The WOTD...

The Word of the Day is: Glare.

First thing that comes to mind...

Thursday, October 06, 2005

First day back...

It was 6:30 am and he could see his breath linger in the air. The peak was barely visible... it was such a huge mountain... Steep inclines, cliffs, precipices that required a slow steady pace... Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap... letter by letter, he climbed the mountain. As he reached the 100 email marker... he felt like he had accomplished something... but as fast as he was ascending the mountain, the peak kept getting farther away... as one by one, they continued to accumulate. Bing... Bing. Then another... ...Bing. The sound of new emails echoed in the valleys and canyons below. But in a flurry of activity... he was able to gain ground before an avalanche occurred. At 5:08 pm, he was finally able to plant the flag of victory in the ground... The air was thin and his fingers were tired from the long journey... blisters turning into calluses. He had reached new heights... 140 some emails in one day.

It's got to be some kind of record.

It's just got to be.


The Word of the Day is: Fast.

First thing that comes to your mind?

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Getting old... but you will always be my best bud... (You and Benji that is...)

Happy Birthday Jakers! Numero Siete! Wow. 7. Crazy. Just yesterday you were Benji's age... what's the deal?!?!?!

At least I have pictures...

You in there??

Buck up... you threw the first snowball... What??? You can give it but you can't take it?

Listening to some tunes... just chillin'

Whatever your age... doesn't matter... you will always be my cool little buddy.

Love you Jake!


The Word of the Day is: Ornery

First thing that comes to mind...

Monday, October 03, 2005

Lime Coke.

I am a changed man... I never liked flavored coke... always thought that it detracted from the original taste... hard for a company to improve on greatness. Well Coca Cola Company... You did it. I can't stand Vanilla Coke, Cherry Coke does nothing for me... but Lime Coke? Great. Perfect. Nectar that flows straight from the Lord himself.

And their jingle isn't so bad either...

"Put the Lime in the Coke n Nut."

My new favorite Pop. If you haven't tried it... I implore you to do so. (and not the diet stuff either!)


The Word of the Day is: Shrill

First thing that comes to mind.

Saturday, October 01, 2005


I have decided that my blog looks better on my laptop...

So, if you haven't viewed it from a laptop... and you don't like it... the try from a laptop... you'll like it better. I am thinking about working on a redesign shortly... haven't decided though. Just checking in.... OH... BTW...

The Word of the Day is: fresh.

First thing that comes to your mind...