Oh how I wish I had a job I loved to go to everyday... is this too much to ask? I know that work will always be work. I am not ... what's the word I am looking for... disillusioned... nor are the struggles that I deal with any worse than anybody elses... I am just venting. This is my place... and I decided to vent today. Half my problem is that I don't know what I want to do next. Wish I had more computer skills... I am pretty adept with computers... but not to where I could make a living working with them. My design skills are pretty good and I am pretty creative... social skills are great, public speaking is good... I have plenty of degrees... Just need to figure out where to use these skills in a healthy environment. Seriously, anybody have any suggestions... let me know.
Until the next option, I am trying to be content with where the Lord has me... just frazzled today.
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