Tuesday, October 25, 2005

T-Minus 5 Days and Counting...

I am gonna ride a Rickshaw when I am over there. And not one of these motorized vehicles but one that has a man holding on to two poles and pulling me around the city... like Kramer.

(A side note: I spelled rickshaw correctly.)

Announcer: "The word is: Ricksha."

Me: "Rickshaw."

Me: "Can you use it in a sentence?"

Announcer: "Ricksha. The man was traveling on a bumpy road in a ricksha."

Me: "Country of Origin?"

Announcer: "Japan"

Me: "Are there any other pronounciations?"

Announcer: "No."

Me: "Can you repeat the word one more time?"

Announcer: "Ricksha."

Me: "Rickshaw. R-I-C-K-S-H-A-W. Rickshaw.

Announcer: "We will accept that answer. That is considered an acceptable variant of the word, Ricksha."

Me: "HA."

Okay... back to my post...

I mean who among us can say that they have traveled by rickshaw? Not many. But I will have joined the chosen few over the next couple of weeks. And after I get done riding around... I am going to give the guy a little extra money to help his family out. Some rickshaw driver is going to have one really good day after he has pulled me around.

(After I re-read this post... is it bad to have some guy pull you around on a rickshaw?)


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