Monday, April 11, 2005

What do you do?

Not sure where this post is going to head... sometimes you have to just start typing and then... BAM! There you have it... post is done and you have some cool thoughts down... although most of the time when I post, I have something in mind... but today, just writing what comes to mind. So I will start with this:

Did the bills last night... I hate doing bills... finances never turn out exactly how I have planned. With our tax refund, we were going to pay off the remaining $2,200.00 on our new bedroom furniture and pay $1,700 towards our washer and dryer that we recently purchased. But once I got down to figuring the bills (that I had been putting off for about a week, week and a half....) we weren't able to do all of that. The good news is that we did pay off our bedroom furniture... and that I discovered a $500.00 mistake in our Quicken balance sheet. Instead of over spending by about $1,300... we only over spent by $800.00. So instead of paying $1,700 towards our washer and dryer, we were only able to pay a measly $955.00. Whenever, we have an extra paycheck (I get paid every two weeks so two months out of the year I get an extra pay check that we don't need for bills...) or a tax refund, we always loosen up a bit and we tend to over spend. Now, don't get me wrong... I was not upset in the least bit when Sydney came home with my new electric razor that is almost (but not quite) the grand daddy of all electric razors.... Although it was $150.00... it was worth every cent. The last one I bought was only about $60.00 and boy did it suck... almost turned me away from Braun for good... it would bite into my skin when the battery died... (not a good thing...) AND there was no cord so you couldn't even finish shaving if it died in the middle of your morning shave. So, then I would pull out my old, old razor and I would have to lift the foil slightly, turn the razor on and then snap the foil down quickly to get the thing to start... just so I could finish shaving. It bit. Anyway... what was I talking about? That's right, over spending... so I am the reason why we over spend many of the times... (there I said it Sydney). I am the reason why we over spend... I am too high maintence... But you know, I was raised that if you are going to buy something... buy the best. You get what you pay for and it will save you money in the long run. (A case in point is the $60.00 piece of crap razor I bought the first time.) So the question becomes: If you had a choice between over spending your budget and buy the best or buy something cheaper... what you can afford... what would you do? Better yet, what do you do?


Blogger Amanda said...

daniel sounds like you, and sydney sounds more like me.

because of daniel, we have THE BEST dyson vacuum cleaner, THE BEST snapper mower, THE BEST oak bookshelves, THE BEST blue jeans...

me, i shop at Ross and wal-mart. i could never spend $6 on one pair of panties, and sometimes my clothes have been worn by someone else.

10:27 AM


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