Let's talk Legacy.
Driving home yesterday, I started thinking about my post yesterday. I turned 33 yesterday so it was no milestone birthday... just another year. And I don't feel old and I think 33 is rather young so I don't mean to imply that I am old... but I must say that thinking about my post as I was driving, my thoughts moved on to this idea that eventually I won't always be here. For some this is a morbid thought, but for me... not so much. Just a fact of life I guess. But I began to think about what kind of Legacy I would leave behind. Of course the Bible states that the sins of the father will be past down to 3rd and 4th generations... (Exodus 20:5) and likewise, finding favor in the Lord's eyes will also affect the generations to come (Genesis 17:7).
So it is clear to me that how we live our life will have an effect on those who come after us. If we live in a way that is pleasing to God, this will be credited to us as righteousness and as a result, his blessings will be passed down through the generations... If our lives are plagued with poor choices marked by unrestraint and evil desires, so too will the lives be of the generations that are to follow. Without question, a challenging thought... and one we shouldn't trivialize. But we find ourselves doing this daily. Too often, we think that the choices we make only affect us. That somehow, we aren't hurting anybody else by making a choice that goes against the Lord's instruction.
It is clear that this is not the case.
But back to this idea of legacy... if the sins of the father are passed down to the 3rd and 4th generation, then what will my legacy be for my kids? Furthermore, how can I impact this legacy for my kids in a personal way that will stand as instruction for times when I am no longer here? Spoken words and memories fade quickly, but something in writing can span a lenghth of time far greater than 4 generations. How can I influence my children's children... and my Great, Great Grandkids...?
And then a thought occurred to me:
What if I start an open letter to my kids instructing them over time in the way they should go. Insight as I see them grow... commenting on their strengths and weaknesses. In this personal letter to each of them I could impart wisdom gained over the years... possibly allowing them to learn from my mistakes rather than repeating them. Through these letters to Jacob, MacKenzie, Leah and Benjamin, I could gently instruct them in the ways of the Lord. Upon my death these letters would be given to them as a way of encouraging them to stand strong for the Lord and to give guidance long after I am gone. Something that will help them to guide the next generations of my family. Something that would matter... Simply put: A Legacy.
So, starting today, I will be creating 4 new blogs that I will write to each of my kids as I have individual things to say to each of them... Instructing them in the way they should go... so that when they are old, they will not depart.
Anyway, those were my thoughts as I was driving home yesterday afternoon on my 33rd birthday.
I love this idea. It is so important to leave a legacy of God's love, and forgiveness.
8:53 AM
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