So; This is what it feels like to be rich...

My folks and my brother (and his wife) decided to rent a house on the lake for the week and invited the rest of the family up to enjoy. It was a great time. Nieces and nephews running all over the place, lessons in the techniques of fishing were given by uncle Ben to anyone old enough to hold a fishing pole. Sydney chipped in her expertise by putting corn on the end of the hook so the fish would actually bite. (Corn... who would have thought.) All weekend I was taking snapshots in my mind of the kids and my beautiful wife... while I don’t have a lot of money, there is no question that I know what it feels like to be rich. Sydney and the kids are still up north... I had to come back down to finish my class and work a little... but I will head back up there on Thursday. As a result of all of those who gave their lives for the freedoms we have, our family had a great weekend.
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