God thinks I'm cool...
It's a typhoon out there. I know, I KNOW... hard to believe that there could be a typhoon in Minnesota, of all places... but thankfully, as a result of my good looks and charm and the Lord shining down on me... I am a dry as a guy who has been crawling through the desert for 5 days. You may be thinking... but Ben, wouldn't a guy crawling through the desert be drenched in sweat... to which my response is, "that would be only for the first 4 days. It's common knowledge that you stop sweating in the desert sometime during the middle of the 4th day." (Just call me Cliff Claven from Cheers.) ANYWAY, I arrived at work this morning and the clouds looked a little shady... but nothing to be to worried about. I walk to my building and about 2 steps before I get to the door, I hear this loud... SPLAT! splat! SPLAT! I think to myself, "That's strange... wonder what that was." I take two steps into the building and it is like my act of walking through the door has opened the flood gates of heaven... But because God thinks I am SO cool... (and if you hadn't noticed... he's always right you know) ...He waited until I entered the building before he let it rain. These where the biggest drops I have seen in my life. Anyway, the point to this whole ordeal is that some people just live right. And you, my friends, are reading about just such a person right now. What about all the people who are sopping wet right now you ask? All I can say is: "There must be too much sin in their life."
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