Monday, June 20, 2005


I have noticed a horrible, horrible trend lately...


Bloggers who are too lazy to leave comments... a failure to maintain their blogs... 9 returning visitors on my blog today... but not one comment. I will even take one of those, "Ben, this is the worst post I have ever read..." But nope... Some say that they refuse to make pity comments, but I think this is just a lame attempt at trying to rationalize their laziness. More and more, I visit blogs and they are not being updated. No reason given... just a lack of an update. I mentioned to people that I would be on a Hiatus... but even then, I have attempted to make sure that people are entertained... I am not impressed. This trend has caused me much concern and aguish. Bloggers, what is your deal? Are you too self absorbed that you no longer find the need to write about your self absorption? Well I, for one, will not stand for it. I'm calling you out. Get your "calamine lotioned butt in gear" and comment... (Jes, this is a figure of speech directed at all bloggers in general... although your calamine lotioned butt hasn't commented yet either.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My only excuse is that I've been outside trying to make myself resemble a lobster. I did a damn good job of it yesterday! I've nearly gone into hibernation mode since I feel like I am biting off everyone's heads with these loverly 3rd trimester pregnancy hormones.

8:46 PM


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