It seems like one of my closest readers *ahem... EDDIE* ...did not take me seriously when I said: Be.Forewarned.
I need to ask this question: Which part of 6 Week Blogging Hiatus... did you not understand?
"6 Weeks?" or "Hiatus?"
To clarify...
"6 Weeks" - The length of time I will be on leave (although I will post intermitently)
"Hiatus" - Break... will not be around... short leave of absence...
Threatening me with "not coming back" or stating that I "will be forgotten like a movie soundtrack" will not make my return happen more quickly.
This class is INTENSE people. Feel sorry for me. Trust me when I tell you that I would rather be blogging. 4 & 1/2 weeks left... and counting.
The Management.
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