Tuesday, April 04, 2006


A very close friend recently asked me the question: "Why?"

That's a good question. I don't really know why... I WOULD say, "just because." But that is the easy way out... and I don't want to take the easy way out... So "why" you ask? I am trying to figure it out. I don't think I will ever have the answer to that question. The answer keeps changing. It depends on the context in which you ask it. A case in point: why is feisty spelled with an ei rather than an ie? I'll never know... The rule is "i" before "e" except after "c"... so why is "feisty" not "fiesty?" Exception to the rule I guess... but why? Why are there exceptions? And if there are exceptions, why are there rules? AND... who decides what the exceptions are? And why didn't they ask me if this particular exception was okay?

Funny how the same question can have so many answers.

Why? I don't know.

The most the frustrating thing is that this question leads to more "why" questions... there's no easy answer to that question. My mind gets tired thinking about answering that question... so, my response is:

"Why you ask? I have absolutely no idea."


Blogger Katie said...

god answer

9:30 AM

Blogger Katie said...


that was supposed to say:

good answer

but then maybe it should say:

God answers (all the whys)

9:31 AM

Blogger amelia said...

interesting typo, katie and quite appropriate! I've got a lot of why's right now I'm waiting for God to answer!

10:05 AM

Blogger Charlyn said...

Why do you ask such deep questions??

10:44 AM

Blogger Aim Claim said...

"because why!"

I HATE that answer... my parents used to always say that back to me when I asked why.

feisty... hum? never thought about it before

12:13 PM

Blogger Eddo said...


Are you sure you are not related to KT or Jes?

That was the most inane blog post you have ever written... ever, but I still love you.

10:23 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was this post prompted by one of your kids entering the "why" stage? How often do you pull out the "Because I said so!" answer?

BTW, my real name is one of those exceptions to the i-before-e rule, and no one ever spells it right.

11:53 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

...Because I'm the mom and I say so!!

9:34 AM

Blogger Jenny said...

so why is "feisty" not "fiesty?"

Probably because a redhead with a headache made it up. Then you can't ask "her feistyness" for fear of getting punched.

*big grin*

1:44 AM


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