I purchased a new Ipod this weekend...

I bought an Ipod about 3 weeks ago... and I liked it. The Ipod nano. And then after seeing how cool mine was, Sydney mentioned that she thought that she would want one... so I gave her mine and then purchased the same one... except it has 4 gigs on it instead of 1. Typical guy... I know... but she was fine with this... and my other one was ONLY a few weeks old. Anyway... I named that one Eddie... so "Eddie" is now in the possesion of Sydney and she is pushing all of his buttons... making him do and say exactly what she wants him too... and he is covered in a shiny pink protective carrying case. Eddie has never looked so good.
Anyway... Since it is mandatory to name your Ipod around here... I will send a free Ipod to anyone who can come up with the perfect name for my new Nano. (Okay, I am lying... I will not send you a free Ipod... but if you need a free set of headphones and a Apple sticker... they are all yours.)
(And Eddie can not be used... Eddie has been replaced... he was too shallow... not enough storage capacity... )
Such a typical guy! My hubby bought an iPod shuffle for a friend, and his has more memory than the one he bought for me! Hmmm.... :)
How about mini-me.
11:09 AM
Eddie was too shallow! HA HA HA HA!
(sorry Eddo). Hmmm, I'll have to think of a name for yours. I used up all my creative juices coming up with kPod for K-T.
Man, I feel so left out. I don't have a shuffle, a nano OR and iPod.
Such a loser.
11:42 AM
sooooo Syd fell under the spell of the iPod did she? Good for her, especially since I think you might struggle with sharing such toys. A gal like her deserves her own iPod. Now she can rock out amongst the youngins and her crazy fun filled days.
Oh and congrats on your new one, but remember MINE has video.
Muwhahahahahahaahaha, as if I was competing on such things as electronics, that is a boy thing to do.
11:52 AM
stupid blogger ate my comment
11:52 AM
but look it seems blogger hacked it up like a hairball stuck in a cats throat
wow, that was pretty graphic, I think I just dry heaved at my own comment
11:54 AM
yuck KT... yuck yuck yuck
Since you upgraded, I think you should name it "big boy", you know, like that great Citi Card commercial!
1:47 PM
AIMS I love that commercial, actually I just love how he says "BIG BOY" the second time
I find myself saying that randomly in conversation or just to myself
ok, really that is a little sad
1:58 PM
hey - i recently ... oh, wait. i can't say yet.
so, anyways, the apple sticker! me! me!
Also, how about the name "Jemima?"
1:59 PM
oh, and just when I was about to come over and say something nice I found out that I am shallow and apparently dumb because I don't have enough storage capacity!!!
AHAHAHAAHAHHA!! That is classick.
I am sure Sydney is enjoying Eddie... and I am sure she will treat Eddie a whole lot better than you do/did Ben!!
3:51 PM
By the way, you know this means another Ben story will have to be posted about in the near future. Man I love a good payback!!! Weeee!~
3:51 PM
Really it's such a boy thing to do, to keep the best technology for himself HAHAHA
Anyway, I agree with you that we women are not so technology-fond (there are exceptions, of course), so you're not so bad! haha...
You should name it Big Ed, like in the Nicholas Cage movie "family man" (the place where he worked at)...
5:04 PM
I think you should give it a girl name.
Something like "Irene" as in "come on Irene..."
Peggy Sue as in "Peggy Sue, Peggy Sue, Peggy Sue how I love you oh Peggy, my Peggy Sue ue ue..."
Jenny as in "Jenny I got your number, I need to make you mine.."
I don't need the headphones or sticker, just a few more visits from the MIMs!
8:03 PM
Oh my word Katie! hahahahahaha you made me laugh SO hard right there! (AND you kind of grossed me out a little!)
And Eddie? You said "weeee"? We're going to have to have a talk about you stealing my words. Seriously. Not cool dude.
11:26 PM
SWEET! I've been out of town and missed the contest. BUMMER!
6:04 PM
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