Thursday, February 10, 2005

No Sydney, your not sick... we're just doing bills...

Well, I am back at work this morning... I went home sick yesterday... stomach was off. Slept from 11 am to 3:15 pm... with an occasional interuption by a kiss on the cheek from my daughter, Micker Mackers, while she whispered, "I hope you feel better Dad." or "Love you Dad." And I was actually not the typical guy yesterday... I didn't even say, "I'm dying" once while I layed there on the couch. Sydney even took note of this... (of course I had to point it out to her...) :) Anyway, I am not one hundred percent today, but I am a person who feels guilty if I am at home and I don't feel sick... I feel like I should be at work. I have over 450 banked sick hours... cause I am never sick... well not never... but I only use them if I need them. Thought I might stay home today, but changed my mind... Sydney almost talked me out of going to work, but decided to come in.

Oh, btw... Syd and I are doing bills tonight... think about her as her "stomach starts to churn and she starts sweating"... No Sydney, your not sick... we're just doing bills.

I always tease my wife that she tends to paint me out to be a "bad guy" (at times) in front of her parents or family...

Just so you all know, I'm not all bad. :) (But for the record, I am horrible when it comes to bills... need to work on that.)



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