Wednesday, March 16, 2005


Had a meeting in the Twin Cities yesterday... so I wasn't able to blog... Before I left the cities, I did get a chance to eat at Baja Sol for the first time. Let me just say that the food was as good as it looks in the picture. Good.Stuff. So anyway, as I was making good time on the way home... I pulled up to a stop sign and then when I went to accelerate, the throttle cable broke. (For the people [women] ;) out there that don't know what a throttle cable is... it is the cable that is connected to the pedal so that when you push the pedal the car actually moves.) So, I sat on the side of this back road for about a half an hour because not only do I take the short cut from the Cities home... I don't have a cell phone. So finally someone drives by and I wave them down... then it takes another half an hour for the tow truck to get there... and then I call Sydney once I get to the next closest town... (did I tell you I don't have a cell phone?) It then took Sydney about an hour to get from our house to where I was... so I got home at about 7:15 pm last night... which really isn't too bad... but definately a hassle. Today's Agenda: Look for Cell Phones for Sydney and myself.


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