Wednesday, May 18, 2005

I am trying to keep from going postal people... REALLY, I am trying.

Okay. Maybe it isn't THAT bad... but I am not happy. So I am going to make two posts today... this one, in which I tell you how pissed off I am, and then a much lighter one later... once I get this first one out of my system. Readers, have you ever felt like life really sucks? I am there. I am so ticked off about my work environment right now I can't see straight. This loser of a guy that we call the president of our university has made some decisions that I don't agree with... and now my office and department are stuck with a couple of offices and a lounge area that are not going to work.... A little background; our university's student center burned down about 3 years ago and this president was charged with building its replacement. The plans included moving our office over to the new facility because he wanted a lot of traffic in the student center. Because the International Students are always around... he decided that we should be over there. But because he also has deemed it necessary to have the Women's Studies Office over in the Student Center as well, there has been a space issue. Now my office is located underneath this umbrella of Cultural Diversity and they were getting displaced from their office because another decision our president and "king" has made. As a result, we just got booted out of this area that was going to work perfectly for us into this small cramped space that is not going to work. He has been told by all of the constituencies that it doesn't make sense, but because he cares more about "art" than people, he has decided to hold back one space for an art gallery (when we already have 3 galleries on campus) which has caused this domino effect. I don't even care about my office... It is the fact that we are going to now have a smaller lounge/office then what is needed for our students. I am so freakin pissed... it isn't even funny.

SO. My resolve is this: finish this accounting class and move on. I am that ticked off. My leaving the university will hurt them pretty badly, but at this point, I really don't care... I hate to say it, but that's not my problem. Not that I think I am indispensible... everyone is expendable. (The time you think you are not expendable is probably when you are the most expendable.) But the intricacies of my job take about a 6 month - 12 month training period to become knowledgeable enough to do the bare minium. Trust me, I was in that position about 7 years ago and it was not fun... and I am the only one at the university that knows all of the immigration policies that the international students must follow. Anyway, the point is, if I had another viable option, I would be gone today. Which leads me to my next question...

Anybody have a job for me? ;)


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