Friday, May 13, 2005

I am rounding the corner for the 100 yard sprint to the finish line...

It's over. My long road of education is nearing the end. Tomorrow, I am walking through ceremonies to celebrate the closing of 4 years of graduate school. (Although I have one accounting class I will take in the Fall, for all practical purposes... I'm done.) Boy, the leisure time I will have... what will I do with myself?? Oh yeah... how about hanging out with Sydney spending some quantity time..Wrestling with Jake... Maybe go out on some father daughter dates with MacKenzie... my carving projects have been set aside for the last few years... I can start back up with the hobby I enjoy. I was walking up from my carving area in the basement "imagining all the possibilities." Ever thought that tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life? It is for me.


Sydney, Jakers, Micker Mackers, Bug Bug, baby...I am sprinting as fast as I can.


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