Gold Medal... Here we come!

The Olympic Prelude:
"Don, Don,
Don Don Don Don Don,
Don, Don Don Don,
Don Don Don Don D-Don Don Don Don..."
We are going to compete in the olympics in the sport that our family knows as: "Getting Ready for the Bus." Some may say, "That's not a sport!" But those of us who go through the routine of getting the kids ready for the bus everyday know differently. Especially when dad wakes up at 7:02 and the bus gets there at 7:17. With the speed of a team of bobsledders, Jake (Mom) and I rocked the sled back and forth in the groves as we put our head down and... took off like a shot. Now, like bobsledding there are several key things one must do in sequential order. Just as bobsledders must sprint down the track and then skillfully jump into the bobsled... one must do the same thing as one gets ready to jump on the bus. One must have a plan of attack. Our sequence off events went something like this:
Dad - Go to the bathroom.
Dad - Jump in the shower. Within 3 minutes, Jump out of the shower.
Mom - Wake Jake up.
Mom - Pour Marshmallow Matey's in a bowl.
Jake - Inhale breakfast.
Mom - Go to the bathroom.
Dad - Put t-shirt, underwear and Socks on.
Dad - Shave
Mom - Grab Jake's clothes from his room up stairs
Mom - Grab a snack to put in Jake's backpack for snack time.
Dad - Brush his teeth
Dad - Get clothes on.
Dad - Puts shoes on.
Mom - Tell Jake to GET moving.
Jake - Drop his jammies to the floor and take a whiz ...with the bathroom door open.
Dad - "Go!Go!Go!Go!"
Time: 7:14
ETA of Bus: 7:17
Mom - Quickly brush Jake's Teeth...
Mom - Yank a t-shirt over Jake's head
Mom - Slip a pair of jeans on Jake (With skill and grace... I might add.)
Dad - Grabs Jake's backpack in one motion as he heads for the car.
Mom - Puts Jake's shoes on.
Jake - Dodges buddy as he sprints to the car.
Jake - Jumps in... as the car starts to move backward
Jake and Dad - Park at the end of the driveway as we wait for the bus...
Time: 7:14 (Clocks in the house must be 3 minutes fast.)
ETA of Bus: 7:17
Dad and Jake - "Woo Hoo!" *High Fives* *Secrect cool handshake* "Yeah!"
Mom - Breathe.
We are SO ready for the olympics.
*Oh Say can you see.... By the dawn's early....*
So, what sport are you training for in the Olypmics?
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