It's all about the bugs people... at least as a 7 year old.
The Locust are gone...
Whew... thank goodness all of America cooperated and turned their power off.
I finally got around to watching the CBS Sunday Night Movie "Locust". I had Tivo record it because I thought it would be like one of those movies when I was growing up such as Damnation Alley where all theses cockroaches ate all the people of Salt Lake City... (I know it was about Nuclear Devastation... but all I remember is the man-eating cockroaches) or then there was the one where venomous trantulas were imported from Columbia in sacks of coffee and attacked a city and pretty much covered the town in one big web... I can't remember if this was the movie "Kingdom of the Spiders" or if it was another CBS Sunday Night Movie called Tarantulas... (All I know is that I was in some hotel/motel, like a Holiday Inn or Best Western, on vacation with my parents when I was about 7 or 8, and sleeping with my Brother and Sister in one Queen sized bed, while my parents were in the other bed watching this movie on tv, and I kept peeking out from under the covers watching it because it was past our bed time... finally, my mom gave up chastising us for watching it and let us sit up and watch the end of the movie... she even made us some popcorn... Thanks Mom!)
ANYWAY, when I saw the movie title "LOCUST"... it brought back these visions of cool movies from my childhood and I was excited. Well, maybe it is my age that has spoiled these Sci Fi movies... cause it wasn't very good. But, I bet if I went back and watched those other movies again, they wouldn't be very good either... but in my mind at least... they were much better.
I mean... what are the chances that you are going to kill legions of genetically altered Locust by turning off your power so you can create a giant bug zapper. Furthermore, I am a little skeptical... did you kill all of them? I mean, it only started with 6 of the little critters getting loose and then with the gestation period of something like 3 days... there were "Hundreds of Millions" of Locust about to eat 1/3 of the world's food supply. If you didn't zap every single one of them... wouldn't this Apocalyptic epidemic just happen all over again in a week and then America would have to turn its lights off to zap them again? Also, there is nothing like a giant Locust Plague to solve all the problems in your marriage... "I sure am glad we had that Locust Plague so we could become closer and love each other again." And of course the scientist who genetically altered the locust learned his lesson as a result of his daughter almost dying and in proper fashion then gives up his life because... this was something he needed to do to somehow "calm the storm within..."
Of course the typical hidden theme in the movie was: "evil scientists" who are genetically altering things need to quit because if you don't we will have some mass epidemic that has no solution and humanity as we know it will no longer exist. It follows similar themes of Nuclear War is bad and Pesticides are bad... and although I am not advocating for Nuclear war... I am not so sure I care about the pesticides as long as I have food in front of me and it is edible. If it's not necessarily organic, I am fine with that. My only question is this: If all the evil scientists repented of their evil ways... what kind of movies would we watch? Oh the dilemma!
If I only was 7 again. I am sure it would have been a great movie.
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