Thursday, April 21, 2005

My daughter's wisdom.......

Oh boy, oh boy, OH BOY!!!!

I am scrubbing the bathroom when my daughter comes running in yelling.... "I gotta go POTTY, I gotta go POTTTYYYY! So she jumps on the toliet and as I am leaning over cleaning all the toys out of the tub.... she imparts this wisdom upon me....

"Mom, Boys and Dad's are richer that girls, becuase boys and dad's have 'PETERS' (Slang for you know what in our house) and butt's but we only have butts. " "What???" I reply, and she tells me again in a slightly exasperated tone "Boys and dad's are richer than girls because boys and dads have 'peters' and butts and we only have butts." Well I am going to set her straight so I tell her that richer means that you have more money, or more joy, or more of something. She looks at me like "DUH"... and firmly states .... "exactly mom"...." they have more than us."

I must say that I left it at that instead of going into a discussion on how we really have 3 parts and guys only 2 but decided that this was not something I would want my daughter to bring up in Sunday school that Girls... are actually richer than boys....... and EXACTLY HOW AND WHERE THEY WERE RICHER!

Oh my .... What a day.... but to all you guys out there..... in the words of my daughter.... you are richer for the parts that you have!!!!



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