Monday, September 19, 2005


A shift in perspective... Life could look so much differently if only you moved a couple steps to the left or a couple of steps to the right. My friend Katie, who was inspired by a post of mine, wrote a post that inspired this post. (So I guess, you could say that another one of my posts... actually inspired this post. Funny.) ANYWAY... she inspired this post by explaining that nobody sees the same rainbow because each person looks at it from a slightly different angle and therefore the light reflects differently... thereby giving everyone their own personal rainbow. This also illustrates that a person's perspective is an individual thing. A life of bitterness and disillusion can be changed by making one small adjustment. The key is that if you are going to change your perspective... you must choose to change it. Whether you wish to change your world view by jumping on a plane and traveling acrossed the world to change your perspective... or whether you choose to change your perspective by taking a different route to work or changing your living room around so you are viewing life from a different perspective... Ultimately, you are making the choice to do so.

I have chosen to change my perspective in several areas lately. One such area is football. I am a die hard Green Bay Packers fan. Jake and I spend our Sunday afternoons watching the Pack... cheering them on. Eight years ago, I used to watch football and how my Monday morning went was dependent on how well the Packers did. Sad I know... but if the Pack would lose, then I would whip the remote on the couch in disgust and I would turn the TV off. I was literally ticked off. But for some reason, lately... although I still watch the Pack, I haven't let it get to me when they lose. If you ask Sydney, it is like I am a "changed man" compared to how I used to be. Maybe it is maturity... but when you think about it, maturity is nothing more than a change in perspective. Yesterday, this thought of changing my perspective occurred to me again... and really hit home... recently, I have been focusing on the future... the next job... rather than being content with where I am at right now. The Lord has placed me where I am today and I need to be open to this and okay with staying exactly right where I am if that is where He chooses to keep me. This thought alone has allowed me to wake up less stressed each day... knowing that the Lord has me where he wants me for this moment. Enjoy life even though it is not exactly where you would want to be... because God has a purpose for you, right where you are.

Amazing what a little shift in perspective will do to completely change how you experience life.


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