Thursday, September 08, 2005

We are... THEE Gangsta's of Love

Some people call us the space cowboys, yeah
Some call us the Gangsta's of Love
Some people call us Maurice (Reet Riew)
Cause we speak of the properties of love ... and football.

That's right people Fantasy Football is starting up... TOnight.
Sydney and I have a Fantasy Football team together and our team name is:

The Gangsta's of Love.

Now the reason our team is named the Gangsta's of Love is a long story... so bare with me for a bit.

It all started when I was traveling up to Canada on a Fishing trip (yep, capital "F" Fishing trip... Fishing in Canada is better than any other place in the world... although besides Minnesota I haven't really been fishing anywhere else... so really, all I can really say is that it is better than fishing in Minnesota... but it deserves a capital "F") Anyway, we were listening to the radio on this 12 hour trip up past Grand Rapids Manitoba and Steve Miller's song "The Joker" comes on. As we were playing cards, I casually told my brother in law Tom that Sydney call's me her Gangster of Love. Of course his response is, "Nah Uh. There is no possible way that Sydney call's you her Gangster of Love." Which in reality... is absolutely correct... but I had him going. So I said, "When we get back home, you ask her what nickname she calls me around the house and see what she says." So after a week of Fishing, we arrive back home and as I give Sydney a BIG hug and smooch, I quietly whisper... If Tom happens to ask you what nickname you call me around the house... you need to respond... "My Gangster of Love." Sydney's eyes twinkled with mischief as she laughed... So, sure enough... later that afternoon/evening, Tom asks Sydney what her nickname for me was... and she told him... and you should have seen the look on his face. So, till this day, I am Sydney's Gangster of Love. AND Tom still thinks that Sydney calls me this. Too funny.

Anyway... fast forward a couple of years and my friends and I start up a Fantasy Football league together... Now we decided that our Spouses/Significant others had to name our team... Some guys manipulated their wives so they got the names they wanted... but I handed over the reigns to Sydney and let her run with it... so her name for my team was: The Gangsta’s of Love.

Anyway, Sydney and I, over the past few years, have run the team together. Now Nine year’s ago when I met Sydney, she didn’t know jack about football... BUT, I must say, she is a very quick study and she is very knowledgeable on the subject now. I have a few friends at work that give me a hard time because my wife is in my Fantasy League with me... They give me a hard time that is until I ask them one question: “Does your wife give you a hard time about watching too much football?” (Which of course the answer is ALWAYS yes.) My response is a simple, “Mine doesn’t.” I’m no dummy. Besides that... Sydney and I enjoy working together... except for when we are at the draft and we have differing opinions about who we should take... (Although we did rather well at compromising this year.)

Anyway, we are in a Quest for the coveted, “Lombrady Trophy.” This is a traveling trophy that was handcrafted by one “Benjamin Eduardo MicMinneasota.”

This year is as good of a time as any for the trophy to come back home.

Go Gangsta's of Love!


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