Friday, August 26, 2005

You are a true friend...

You are a best Friend like no other. I wait for you to come around and... sure enough, you are faithful. Like clockwork you arrive and I am giddy with anticipation. Anticipation of what we will do together. I am like a school boy who has a crush on his teacher. I am smitten with you. You are like the taste of freedom after spending a prison sentence with my arms shackled above me while the wet cinder block floor makes my feet miserably cold. When you come around, it is like my life begins. You bring such excitement to my otherwise mundane life. Sometimes, you bring excitement to my life, at other times, we just watch TV together. But you always bring options. When you come around, I always ask myself: WHAT will we do? Will we sleep in together? Will we mow the lawn together? We could spend time with Jake, Micker Mackers and Bug Bug... How about go out with Sydney... she thinks you're pretty cool. (Behind me of course... but she likes you too.) So many choices... and it's all because of you.

Whatever we do... one thing is for sure.

You are a true friend.

I Love You Weekend.


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