WARNING: Post about a fat naked lady with hard nipples. (The post does have a point.)
Everyday... it's the same thing. I get out of my car and enter the new student center. And every morning she greets from the top of the stairs... Naked with Hard Nipples. In the name of Art, there she stands... as naked as the day she was born. Except, fatter. I have different emotions every time I see her...
First of all, I am bewildered. Who's brilliant idea was it to hang a painting of a fat naked lady with hard nipples in the entry way of a new building to greet everyone who enters? There's intellect for you.
Then immediately, right or wrong... the question arises in my mind... What is wrong with this fat naked lady in the picture that she thinks it is socially acceptable to stand in a cold room and have someone paint a picture of her?
After getting over the fact that I am greeted by this repulsing image every morning, I think to myself: There is something wrong with this world I live in. Place a Christian image on the wall, put up a Christmas tree up or for that matter have a monument of the Ten Commandments in your building and the ACLU is beating down your door. But put a picture of a fat naked lady with hard nipples up in an entry way to greet young and old alike, and it's perfectly fine? Are you kidding me? What the heck? Now, don't get me wrong... there is a time and place for fat naked ladies with hard nipples. And in reality, I am all for fat naked ladies with hard nipples; they are not "inherently evil." But I would argue that the right time and place for a fat naked lady to be seen is in her bedroom in front of her husband. Or her living room... walk around the house naked for all I care... just don't stand at the top of the stairs in a new student center where I am forced to look at you every day.
So there you have it... my post on a fat naked lady with hard nipples.
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