Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Just a little something to wake you up this morning...

On your way to work you pass a shop that is unfamiliar to you... it peaks your interests. Like the Sirens in Homer’s Odyssey, it has got an irresistible lure. You debate about driving on by... but then you think to yourself, “I’ve got a few minutes this morning... why not?” As you approach the door to the shop, your heart skips a beat as you quickly derive that it has a combination of elegance, class, and romance... You swiftly enter with anticipation, and upon entering, you hear bells jingle as they tap beveled pains of glass while the door gently closes behind you. Immediately you are greeted with an aroma of familiarity... there is nothing like the smell of freshly ground coffee beans... you pause and inhale deeply as you drink in this glorious scent. There is a soft murmur... as friends discuss life over steaming cups of bliss. A burst of laughter comes from a table towards the back. To the right you hear a rustle of paper. A man studies the stocks as he internally counts his profits. The sound of milk being frothed in the background can be heard over the music coming from the speaker directly above you. A spoon clinks against a cup as someone stirs their cream into a breakfast blend. All you can think is, “Wow... Why haven’t I stopped here long ago?” As you approach the glass counter, choice morsels bid you good morning... Scones, cookies, rolls, pies... and other delectible treats. Her Apple pie whispers in your ear... Many a man have begged for a piece of it... now it is freely open for public consumption. She greets you with a warm twinkle in her eye. As she finishes wiping the counter she smiles at you and jokingly asks, “What’s your poison?” While you peruse the marquee menu, you hear the woman next to you mumble, “Forget Target Steve. Bring me HERE.” You say to her, “excuse me?” To which she responds blushingly... “Oh nothing...” You quickly think to yourself, “She has ridiculously shiny hair...” But then your distraction wanes as your focus shifts back to the menu... As you order, you have a feeling that this will be a daily stop in your walk of life... Starbucks can’t even compare...

Without much further adieu, I present to you:

Sydney’s Coffee Stop”

Stop in and say hello... While you're at it... order a latte or a cappacino and add her to your links! After a late night of template design... all I can say is:

Make mine extra black this morning Sydney. ;)

(Oh! I almost forgot... “Fly my little blogging bird, FLY!”)


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