Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Be calm...... Be Brave...... A post from Syd

With heart pounding I roll my ever enlarging body out of bed. (can still see my toes….a little) With dread my feet hit the floor. The words of my daughter begin to roll through my head. Be Calm…… Be brave…… (I take a deep breath) Be Calm…….. Be Brave……. (deep breath)……. Be Calm……. Be Brave……. (deep breath) . Glancing out the window, the green gray color eerily foretells the ugliness of this day. At 3:40 this afternoon I will be strapped to a chair awaiting my fate at the……(Scary horribly nasty music playing in the background) THE COTTONWOOD DENTAL CLINIC! I shudder, as chills run up and down my spine, thinking of the root canal to come. Oh please,…. Lord….Oh please…. I silently send my plea heavenward. Let him be kind, let the pain afterwards be minimal. You see, since I am pregnant…. I can not have the gas that they usually give or the pain medication afterwards. I get to just deal. (deep breath)…. Be Calm ……. Be Brave……. Again the words of my daughter begin to echo thru my head. Okay Lord. I will be okay…… After all I have given birth to 3 children. Right????? If I can do that I will make it through this horrible, no good, very bad day.

You see the calming words running through my head are from my daughter. In the middle of July she needed to go in and get caught up on her shots. 5 in all and I warned her ahead of time. On her way over the clinic, she in her quiet sweet quivering little voice is chanting…… Be Calm….. Be Brave…… Be Calm ……. Be Brave. Hey, if my 5 year old can do it so can I!!!!

Anyways enough doom and gloom on this day. I figure I will catch everyone up to date on my life. Sorry about the no blog, but honestly time has not been there. When I am not in front of a computer during my day, I just don’t get to it. Too many other things need getting done. This week is the week before VBS at our church and I am in charge of decorations. I am so excited to do this because I can do whatever I please. I am making a 12 ft temple and six 4 to 5 ft houses that go on the sides of the temple on the front stage of the sanctuary. (By the way our theme is Jerusalem this year) I am making a 12ft camel out of Styrofoam, Cool Huh…. And just village scenes and rock walls, and a menorah and well you get the picture… It is going to be so cool. Last night I worked at the church from 10:30 in the morning until 11:00 at night… whew long day….. Oh and the other really cool thing is the 15 palm trees that are anywhere from 4 ft tall to 7 ft tall….. I mean how cool is this going to be. The Jerusalem marketplace has 11 tents set up in it with signs hanging down saying “Bread Shop”, and “Pottery shop” and etc. I even found a place that translated them into Hebrew so it has the English version as well as the Hebrew spelling those turned out awesome as well. Anyways… I would go into more detail but I don’t want to bore you all to death. I am also making costumes for the VBS. All the workers will wear costumes and most of the children if they want to so I have made 7 so far and am now working on the Roman Solider Guard costume and the Jesus costume… If I have any extra time I will be making some more children ones as well. Then in addition there is just the normal laundry, meals, and regular day stuff I need to get done. Oh yeah, and my pickles and beans are ready in the garden so I have been sneaking down there, picking cucumber and beans and canning them. So really I love you all but life right now is soooooo busy. Plus…. I am going to have a baby in 6 to eight weeks. Ahhhhh!!!!! Ever feel like life is out of control!? So really, I don’t have time for my teeth to hurt!!! There is enough to do without adding pain to my life……

Well that is all from this neck of the woods…. But just so y’all know…. Ben reads to me everyone’s blogs before bed and the best comments so I do stay in touch with your lives even though you may not know it.!! Love you all. Hope your day is brighter than mine!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're doing the Jerusalem Marketplace in June. Can you tell me how you made all the decorations? Thanks.

1:46 PM


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