Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Spies Like Us

We're back from our covert mission: AKA Tom and Annie's Wedding. Thanks Katie for being such a fantastic guest blogger... You did a bang up job. You do realize that the agency is now going to have to kill you because you know too much... and now Syd and I have to switch to the other side... because we THOUGHT that we were defending the world, but were really, unknowingly, working for the Covenant... Anyway, that post was better than ninety percent of the content on this site, so hang on to my password and sign on... I will make the request again. Maybe in about a couple of months when I am in India and Nepal. (You know... on a covert mission.)

That's all for now. I have to catch up on all the paperwork that comes with working for the CIA. It's not all glamour folks.


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