Friday, September 02, 2005

The truth about Ben and Syd - CONFIDENTIAL

Now many of you know that Ben and Syd are pseudonyms. What you don’t know is that they choose to use these, not because of internet privacy concerns, but because they are CIA spies. Yep, you heard it here people, Ben and Syd are spooks, agents, invisible people in this counter-terrorism world.

I mean, didn’t you think it was a tad bit obvious that their favorite TV show is Alias and that Ben dreams about stealing Russian nuclear subs?

In fact, if you go back through some of their old posts you can see the secret codes they use to transmit all their spy information to their handlers. Hey, maybe I’ll point some out to you:

Take his first entry: Introduction and Background – hmmmm secrets? Very spy-like. In fact this was when Ben first introduced Syd to his life of spy games. She was clueless to his double life as a secret agent man (not secret Asian man) but he clued her in and recruited her into the agency and the rest is history my friends.

Skip ahead a bit: The Pressure and It always seems like the retreat goes too quickly: retreat is codename for covert mission with spy network across the globe. Yep you thought it was a marriage retreat, oh no, they were out kicking communists’ butts.

And there’s: Psychotic in the Bedroom: Oh no, this isn’t some PG-13 rated story of Ben and Syd and why they have three kids with one on the way. If you read between the lines you see Syd’s last mission. And it helps explain Ben’s cuts and bruises that he had the next day at his cover-job, like he really works for a university. You gotta have good stories for all those war wounds when you’re out there protecting the country.
Also: A Series of Unfortunate Events: Again with the cover stories, but Syd, phones and screw drivers, girl you need better material.

A little background on Ben’s training: That’s the gutsiest move I ever saw Mav. See our friend likes to downplay his ability to kill a man with just the flick of a wrist by making us believe that he is a big wuss.

And then of course you have to realize just how intelligent spies are: I say . . . . ; see Ben knows I would station him in Aruba or Hawaii if I was in charge

Cause they are obsessed with how we, the normal people, view them, the talented, spy-like people: There’s good news and bad news. Ha ha, I laugh that they act so surprised, now if you knew some of the stuff they’ve done on all their missions. I mean people, Syd is 8 months preggo and still can hang out of a helicopter by a bungee cord with a M-16 strapped to her back and rescue the cold fusion scientist. That is dedication to country people.

Sometimes being a Spy married couple can be hard: Where’s Joseph when you need him? See Ben and Syd don’t always get to go on missions together so sometimes they have to pretend to be other people and therefore be with other people. It’s all part of the job. But they do get to come home to each other (remember, 3 kids and 1 on the way)

The thing I’m trying to figure out is why the George Bush Center for Intelligence would even have this type of artwork up: Warning: Post about a fat naked lady with hard nipples (this post does have point). Hmmmm, never knew the CIA were so ummmmmmm SICK.

And then there is Syd and her spy research: At the risk of crossing the line once again. And then Syd had to talk about it herself: Officer, Officer, He stole my blog. I mean really what does this have to do with counter-terrorism or saving the world?

So my friends you now know the truth about Ben and Syd. If you watch CNN this weekend you may see some of their action as they are out there somewhere in the world fighting the bad guys and saving the day.

P.S. Those pictures, so not what they look like. You know how people get stock photos in frames, well that’s what you’re looking at. In fact, Ben is 6’7” and has olive skin and bright red hair. Syd is 6’ even with long blonde dreads. The whole thing is a facade people, facade.


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