Wednesday, September 07, 2005

No seriously... I'm Wayne Gretzky

Human nature is a funny thing... for the sake of human pride, we "tweek" the truth just a little bit to avoid an embarrassing situation... or to put ourselves in a better light. For example, in High School Gym class, I was playing broom ball and when I was "checking" someone up against the glass, my legs slipped out from under me and I landed on my chin and split it open on the ice... I had to get 7 stitches. To this day, I still have a scar... but then the question becomes, "What kind of loser splits their chin open playing broom ball?" So in order to look more "tough" I used to tell people that I was playing hockey and not broom ball. Cause, of course everybody knows that if you are playing hockey and not broom ball, you are more of a man somehow... you are living on the edge... not just "shuffling your feet acrossed the ice" to whap a ball as you flail your cut off broom at said ball while your stocking cap has shifted down over your eyes. So to clarify... The truth is: I am not Wayne Gretzky. What's that? You're Shocked? I hear ya... I am having a hard time believing it myself.

So, with that said... TODAY is your day to come clean. On this semi-annonymous site, I am giving you the opportunity to correct your "tweeking" of the truth. MiM accepts annonymous comments... so if you still aren't up to admitting your embarrassing predicament... but you want to at least get the truth out, feel free to post annonymously. But then we can't make fun of you... and what fun is that?? Be brave. Lay it out there for all the world to see...


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