Friday, December 09, 2005

Change in my commenting...

Well, I am officially switching from haloscan to blogger comments. Haloscan deletes all of your comments on anything more than "X" number of months old.

As Eddie would say, "LIVID I WAS."

So for those of you who had all your comments deleted. Try to remember what you put and go back and re-submit them for me.... would ya?


Blogger Katie said...

uhhhhh no . . . .

8:30 AM

Blogger Amanda said...

yeah, i won't be doing that either.

you can just put "amanda sue said blah-blah-blah, blah-blah." if it makes you feel better. i am sure that is what months of my comments adds up to anyway.

8:37 AM

Blogger Charlyn said...

You're kidding, right? I don't even have time for my blog!

11:25 AM

Blogger Stephanie said...

Dude... what's up with Katie losing so many points on the competition?

I petition for 50 points for Katie.

She's smart and stuff!

Oh yeah and I won't be going back in and commenting either Ben. Sorry. Then again, I haven't been around that long, so I might just be in the safe zone.

11:37 AM

Blogger Greg said...

Katie lost 10 smart card points because she can't remember all of the comments she made on my sight...

I didn't lose any points because I was smart enough to realize that I needed to change from Haloscan to Blogger comments.

That's pretty good logic don't you think? I should get at least 1 smart card point simply because of my super human ability to reason things in my favor.

11:56 AM

Blogger Katie said...

I never said I couldn't remember my comments, in fact I think I could remember quite well, I said I WOULDN'T take the time to go back and retype them all. You changed the comments so you lose the nuggets of wisdom, humor, and sheer genius that are the comments that come forth from the kpinion.

I want my points back and a few more for this comment alone.

1:59 PM

Blogger Katie said...

Oh and yea what Stephanie said, "I'm smart and stuff." Although I'm wondering what all the "stuff" entails.

2:13 PM

Blogger Katie said...

oh and Ben, speaking of smart card points, when did you get a sight instead of a site? Just wondering, because well you have more points then me so I figured you would know something like that.


2:20 PM

Blogger Greg said...

My "Site" is a beautiful "Sight" to behold... so yeah, site and sight are interchangable for me.

So you are right... I know "something like that"... that's why I have more points.


2:45 PM

Blogger Katie said...

ahahahha, whatever, you got caught in your own game.

Katie is cool, Ben is a big goober (and yes you read that right, I called you a goober - I'm real mature like that, but wait you're over 30 so you have to be mature and OLD-foggie-like)

3:00 PM

Blogger Deals On Wheels said...

So, uh, wow. I go away for awhile and the maturity level over here just...soared.

Good job, guys!

9:49 PM

Blogger Stephanie said...

Katie: The "and stuff" part... the "stuff" is what makes you so gosh darn fun! ;)

Ben: Nice save on the "sight" thing: awfully clever!

11:19 PM

Blogger Eddo said...

I just went back through all your posts and recommented on everyone... yeah right!

But welcome back to the dark side!

(The dark side is the side I am on because I am - well, dark.)

8:08 AM

Blogger Eddo said...

And my name is in your post - this always wins you SUMO points with the Eddo.

8:09 AM

Blogger Jenny said...

I'll just concentrate on making new comments here for a while. Yeah, that's what I'll do!

1:15 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I CAN'T REMEMBER! Oh well. I'll just keep going from here! LOLOLOL

8:48 AM


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