Morning Coffee and a Dilbert Calendar...
I have a Dilbert daily calendar...

It was a christmas present that my mother-in-law bought by accident... she thought she was buying a far side calendar, but she purchased a dilbert calendar instead. I must admit that I have never read Dilbert but it is extremely hilarious.
On Friday, Dilbert was in charge of hiring a contractor... he was instructed to "go with the lowest bidder." So he hired a beaver that was willing to do the job if he could "chew wood."
Monday, the beaver starts making excuses why he wasn't getting the job done...
Tuesday, Dilbert goes to his boss and says, "The project is behind schedule because our contractor is a lazy beaver."
I don't know why I find this humorous... but I laughed out loud on this one. "Lazy Beaver"... where does this guy come up with these things?
Is it sad that one of the highlights to my days is drinking coffee and reading my Dilbert calendar? (Of course this is a rhetorical question and needs no answer from all of my faithful readers.)
rhetorical schmitorical, sad? not so much
10:18 AM
I read the online version. Alice and the secretary are my favorite peeps.
10:52 AM
Not sad. Funny, because I can relate.
Coffee and blogging are the highlights of my day!
1:32 PM
My hubby loves reading Dilbert because it rings true!
I have never had the (dis)pleasure of working in a cubical. ;-)
3:11 PM
I love Dilbert! Dilbert has gotten me through some times. Before there was Office Space, there was Dilbert.
3:18 PM
I have a DILBERT cartoon displayed proudly on my fridge!
3:51 PM
I freakin' love Dilbert. Love them, love them, love them.
3:55 PM
I laughed out loud too.
6:34 PM
there's a construction company in ohio called beaver excavating and that makes it even more humorous.
10:58 AM
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