Tuesday, January 10, 2006

I have decided that I am going to conquer the world.

Hello, My name is "Ben the Conqueror"......but for those of you who consider me a friend... "Great One Who Conquers the Entire World" will be sufficient.

I bought a new game with my Christmas money. I know that the money was supposed to be spent on framing my Bachelor's and Master's degrees (which is underway as we speak), but Sydney spent her Christmas money, that was supposed to pay for her new sewing machine thing-a-ma-jigs, on doing her nails... Now let me state that for the record (before some crazy woman reader of mine... *do I have any of those?* goes off about how important doing nails are and that I need to understand this) that I really don't mind Sydney doing her nails... because if she does... then I figure that I can justify buying a really cool video game.

Yes ladies, Nails = really cool video game.

SO... I bought the best video game in the history of video games. Sid Meier's: *Dant Donna Da!*


I had CIV II and it was a great game... so I figure "CIV IV" has to be at least 2 times better. Right? So, I will be scouting territory, building cities, making pacts, creating settlers... building more cities, declaring war and discovering technologies. In short, I will be conquering the world.

Note to Katie:
Here is advice from your honorary big brother... if you want to catch a great guy... then football skillz do help. BUT... if you want to catch a really great guy... then you need to pick up the game Civilization IV and learn how to play it. Then you would be thee ideal woman. ;)


Blogger David Edward said...

uh, perhaps a 72 hour psych evaluation would be in order here?


10:51 AM

Blogger Stephanie said...

Kind of sounds like a glorified "Oregon Trail" game like we played back in grade school. Do you guys remember that game?

I wouldn't be able to pick that up: I would get SO addicted and never get ANYTHING done!

10:56 AM

Blogger Katie said...

hahahahhahahaha, oh honorary big brother thank you for the advice

I play settlers (you know this game right?) so I guess I could handle Civ IV but I would hate to trump your high score and become the all time conquerer of the world, so I will let you continue to hold that title

11:21 AM

Blogger Greg said...


You can call me Honorary Big Brother... the rest of you... don't forget... its:

"Great One Who Conquers the Entire World"

11:28 AM

Blogger Amstaff Mom said...

Unlike K-T, I don't really understand Settlers, or at least her version of it, and I remember playing Sim City in high school and (I'm sorry to admit) not seeing the point of it. But good for you Ben McMinn, finding something you enjoy. And that both you and Syd spent it on fun stuff instead of practical. Brian and I are different on how we spend our time too. He played his new war game on his X-Box while I read a book and snuggled with the dog. works for us!

And how, pray tell, do I have more smart card points than K-T?!!? Please don't reduce mine though. I'm quite proud. :)

11:30 AM

Blogger Greg said...

Oh... and of course I know settlers... People also know me as:

"Great One Who Conquers Catan"

although, Catan would be included in "the Entire World."

11:31 AM

Blogger Eddo said...

This week on the radio they had women call in who had gotten divorced over a game called Everquest. Ever heard of it? I hear that it is VERY addictive and htat CIV IV is the "Gateway Game" that will lead you to Everquest. Much like marijuana leads to cocaine.

Just Say No to Drugs Ben!

1:17 PM

Blogger Katie said...

And Ben, honorary big brother, to explain why learning this game may not be the best thing for me: Today as I was talking with some teachers about Texas and their national championship and how Vince Young is going pro, but probably won't be the first draft pick because so is Bush and he is the heisman trophy winner and Houston has the first draft pick and they need Bush more than a quarterback, even though Young is from Houston, my vice principal (male and my age) looked at me and said "that is a little too much for a girl to know" and I laughed

3:45 PM

Blogger chirky said...

Great One Who Conquers The Entire World,

When I first read your post, before I got to the Civilization IV part, I thought the name of the video game was "Dant Donna Da!" and I kept reading it over and over, thinking, "that's a stupid name for a video game."

I've heard of Civilization - a friend of mine has it, and just got Civ IV. but she's a SAHM, so perhaps she plays while the baby is napping and therefore it does not infringe on her marital relationship.

They've been talking to Roger about it lately, but THANK GOD, REALLY, THANK HIM!, he hasn't been bit by the Civ bug yet.

Eddo, divorced over Everquest? ARE YOU SERIOUS? That's lame. People are so lame!

3:47 PM

Blogger steve said...

NOW youre talkin my language!!

Video games... ummmmm... CRACK!!

4:54 PM

Blogger Charlyn said...

LOL! That's all I can say!!

6:48 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of great conquorer just don't bring it here. That's all I need is hubby to have another addicting game!! LOLOLOL (just a wee bit addicted to Golden Tee!)

8:05 AM


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