Wednesday, December 21, 2005

When January 14th thru the 16th rolls around...

We are going to be "HULA DOULA-ing."

That's right everyone... Sydney and I are traveling to Denver for one of our former youth kid's weddings and Hula Doula... that's right, THEE Hula Doula... has invited us to stay at her house for the weekend. We finally get to meet one of our blogging friends! How cool is that?!? I left a message on her blog last night telling her that we would be in Denver that weekend and that it would be fun to get together. To my surprise... she called us about 15 minutes later and asked... NO... INSISTED that we stay with her family. As we began to turn her down... she started to have an evil shrill in her voice and sounded all "stalkerish" as she started banging the phone on the table... and psycho music started playing in the we apprehensively accepted.

Okay... she didn't sound all stalkerish and we accepted her invitation without thinking twice... and boy are we excited... but that's besides the point. :)

We are leaving Jake, Mack and Bug Bug at my brother's and his wife's place and Benjeeno is traveling with us. We will leave at 6:00 am Saturday morning... the wedding is at 7 pm that night... then I believe there is a reception on Sunday afternoon and then we leave early Monday morning to comeback to Minnesota.

We can't wait Hula!

Should Sydney bring her grass skirt and coconut bikini top?? lol.


Blogger Amanda said...

how fun is THAT? syd and hula are going to have lots of birthing stuff to talk about, so bring a book, ben.

8:25 AM

Blogger Eddo said...

I never like to meet my blogger friends in person, they always end up being so bizarre. Like Steve and Amstaff Mom - how weird are they...

Ha ha - Blogger friends are the best! You are going to have so much fun. Get pictures and video - lots and lots of both!

10:29 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

**shrill voice** COME HERE MY LITTLE PRETTIES!!!! *giggle giggle*

I'm so psyched or is that psycho? I don't know which!

PARTY AT HULA'S!!!!!! Anyone alerigic to anything?

12:04 PM

Blogger Stephanie said...

Yea! You are going to have so much fun! Take pictures! Then post them! Travel safely!

12:10 PM

Blogger Amstaff Mom said...

I was like, where is Eddo going with this???? Too fun to meet bloggers in person. I'm sure it will be a fun visit!

12:18 PM

Blogger Katie said...

Good times. So my question is when is your next trip to the Texas region?

1:44 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh! You're gonna love her!! And Hula Hubby's a great guy too!

2:33 PM

Blogger steve said...

Have fun!

3:13 PM

Blogger Deals On Wheels said...

Wow! What's with all the Colorado weddings? I was just in Colorado Springs (like, 45 minutes from Denver) for a wedding just this past weekend.

At first I was like, "Really? A Christmas wedding?" But it turned out to be one of the most BEAUTIFUL ceremonies I've ever been to. Everything was red, white and green and smelled like Christmas (pine and cinnamon). The alter was decorated with a million candles and there was a Christmas tree on each end. The Christmas trees were covered in those tiny, white lights, and they played "Oh, Holy Night" while the bridesmaids walked down the aisle.

Plus, it snowed the ENTIRE weekend, so outside everything was white and untouched.

Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.

4:23 PM

Blogger Jenny said...

That will be excellent!!!!

Sent you guys a card, though I'm sure it will arrive late! :-)

Merry Christmas!

9:30 PM

Blogger Charlyn said...

How fun! A weekend a way and hanging with blog friends. Enjoy!

7:09 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Counting down the days!!!!!!!!! WHEE!

1:40 PM

Blogger Jenn said...

Yay!! Wave hello while you're near DIA, I live about 20 mins soutwest of there! :)

12:15 PM

Blogger Katie said...

Ben? Syd? Did you disappear over Christmas?

2:21 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey wait a tic.....why am I not in the loop? It's my brother and SIL and they keep me in the dark? Geez I'm only 40 mins away!

4:15 PM

Blogger Amstaff Mom said...

Maybe they're on a secret mission or something.

8:17 AM

Blogger Katie said...

Ok that's it, I'm calling the Mounties (cause Canada is a lot closer than the national guard) and sending a search party out for Ben and Syd.

2:08 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the reindeer ate 'em!

3:40 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the laugh (the stalker thing did it for me) I needed it.

6:37 PM

Blogger Katie said...

Happy New Year Ben and Syd

9:55 AM

Blogger Eddo said...

Happy New Year from Eddo too! I think it is time for a new post!

10:40 PM


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