Friday, December 16, 2005


Eddie's posts about how NOT to try and fit in back when he was growing up have been giving me flashbacks into my elementary school days...

The first flashback (not sure why I thought of this memory) was to my firstgrade teacher... Mrs. Ferguson. She was the prettiest teacher I had EVER seen... and I remember on my first day of school... I experienced my first "school boy" crush on Mrs. Ferguson and I felt all tingly in my right shoe and I figured that that is how you feel when you like someone... your toes get all tingly.

Then I got home and when I took off my shoe, I had a BEETLE in my shoe. I KNOW. Scared the crap out of me so I beat it as hard as I could with my shoe until it was dead. Talk about disillusioned.

Anyway, my next flashback was when I was in 5th grade... this follows the lines of Eddie's how not to fit in post:

When you are in the 5th grade, never eat a big lunch and then ride the merry-go-round throughout the entire recess. Then, during "story time" when the teacher is reading Old Yeller, or Where the Red Fern Grows or Pinballs... or what ever story she is reading, do not vomit all over the round table causing people to scatter and causing said vomit to seap into everyone's tote trays.

This will not help you fit in...

I am sure I was known as "vomit boy" for at least a few weeks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Believe me, it's as bad to be vomited ON as it is to do the vomiting. It happened to me in 2nd grade. I'll never forget it.

10:39 AM

Blogger Katie said...

Vomit Boy it is then, good you needed a new nickname

Ahahahahaha the beetle story cracked me up - talk about freaking out

So if not the tingle in the toes, how do you feel when you like someone?

11:03 AM

Blogger Eddo said...

Ha Ha! I love the Beetle in the shoe!

Vomit boy - that is Classick!

11:03 AM

Blogger Katie said...

I guess i shouldn't call you vomit boy with it being Christmas time and everything

12:38 PM

Blogger Greg said...

That last part was totally made up... nobody called me vomit boy...

Well, maybe they did... but if they did... I didn't know about it.

Thanks for making my Christmas seasion by not calling me vomit boy Katie.

12:41 PM

Blogger Greg said...

seasion... lol.

That's Italian for season... right Ms. Thang?

12:43 PM

Blogger Katie said...

I promise I wound ever call you vomit boy (at least not to your face)

12:46 PM

Blogger Greg said...


in response to your earlier question:

"So if not the tingle in the toes, how do you feel when you like someone?"

Maybe like you are gonna vomit? My 5th grade teacher, Mrs. Brothen, was really hot too. Maybe it WASN'T the merry-go-round!

1:16 PM

Blogger Katie said...

there you go saying something nice over on my blog after I make fun of you here

Ben - If I was able to pick a big brother out of this entire world, it would be you for so many reasons:
1. You are a funny guy and every big brother should be funny
2. You are naturally caring and encouraging
3. You wouldn't take crap from me, everyone needs someone in their life to call them on their crap
4. You are a great husband and father and are an amazing role model of what I look for in a husband one day
5. You are dang smart, but more than that, you are wise (which isn't learned from a book, but gained by living life) and I take so much from every word (typed that is) that comes from you
6. and lastly because you are my friend and if I had a big brother I would want him to be my friend

1:18 PM

Blogger Jenny said...

That's a great story.

btw your wife is talented and amazing... as though you didn't know. ;-)

6:27 PM

Blogger Eddo said...

Ben and Syd! It was SOOOO good to hear from you guys last night. What a fun birthday surprise. You guys are my closest long distance friends on the planet. The phone call did move you way up on the list!

Much Love and Merry Christmas!!

10:36 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

show and tell just ain't what it used to be...

11:52 AM

Blogger Stephanie said...

Ben, It's okay. I'm laughing WITH you, and not AT you because I can totally relate. I TOTALLY puked all OVER the place in kindergarten, and I have never forgotten it. Sometime AFTER some snot-nosed kid made fun of me for wearing pig-tails.

The things that traumatize us as children... hahahahaha

Loved the story. You should think on it some more and tell us more stories, vomit boy ;) (I, apparently, am not as nice as Katie hehehe)

10:41 PM

Blogger Katie said...



11:27 PM

Blogger Amstaff Mom said...

Ha Ha Ha Ha! Oh my goodness, I would have FREAKED out when I realized it was a beetle in my shoe! You are too funny Ben McMinn. And take it from me, Eddo was very excited that you and Sydney called. He was telling me about it and his face lit up!

11:44 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been looking for sites like this for a long time. Thank you!
» »

1:37 PM


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