Wednesday, December 14, 2005


I love Christmas... really I am like a big kid. Sydney also adds to my Christmas spirit because she is so enthuisiastic about Christmas... We are playing Christmas music BEFORE Thanksgiving in our house. Growing up, the Christmas season didn't "officially" arrive at our house until the day after Thanksgiving. Although every Thanksgiving dinner, Mom and Dad would discuss when the Christmas "records" could come out. Mom would always win and while the table was being cleared from our feast of Turkey, stuffing, "cranberry goop" and what not, Dad would put the records on the old turntable. I have good memories of Christmas's past... but this morning, I am just beginning to realize that Christmas Present and Christmas's yet to come will be just as exciting. In Sydney's house, her mom never put names on packages, but put a code on the gifts that indicated who they were for... so neither she nor her sister and brother's would know whose gifts were whose. We have continued this same tradition in our house as well and as the gifts begin to pile up under the tree... Jake and Micker Mackers are beginning to try and figure out the code... As I left for work this morning they were both scratching their heads, wondering who the "BIG" gift towards the back was for... cause you know... the BIGGER the gift, the better the present that is inside of it. lol.

I am all about traditions. Traditions help to make the memories special. In my formative years, Mom used to make a huge Christmas dinner that would take all day to prepare... usually the menu was porkchops and cornish game hens... Why porkchops and cornish game hens? I have no idea... but the porkchops were always so dry and I had to choke them down with a couple of glasses of water. Anyway, my mom finally revolted and decided that she would no longer spend all day in the kitchen while the family slept and relaxed. So, sometime in the mid 80's our tradition became: Homemade pizza every year. Mom would make the crusts early in the week and freeze them and then when Christmas day would roll around, she would quickly put the sauce and toppings on and Viola! The best homemade pizza you have ever tasted. (And it sure beat choking down a dried up old porkchop.) Till this day, when we go to my folks' place on Christmas... it's homemade pizza.

Each year, Sydney and I add to our list of traditions and slowly, we are creating traditions of our own... Our first OFFICIAL "were in a fight" fight after we were married occured in the isles of Walmart as we determined whether there would be fat colorful lights or tiny colorful lights on the tree. Also, my family used to have a star on the top of the tree and her family had an angel. It was the collision of two worlds... and it was not pretty. The only thing we could agree on was an angel that we found for the top of the tree. In the end, neither of us got our way... we have white lights on our Christmas tree because we would both rather go with something else rather than give in to the other person. But we are still married, so: no blood, no foul. I think that if you can make it through the combining of traditions... you will be married for life. :)

I have mellowed since then, and if we were to have the same "discussion" I would probably say... "That's fine... little colored lights on the tree are fine Sydney." Funny how as you get older, you gain perspective.

ANYWAY... this whole long story to sum up the fact that I love tradition.


Blogger Charlyn said...

Thanks Ben, for sharing your traditions! I remember growing up we'd go to church on Christmas Eve, and when we got home, Santa had come!

Now my family goes to the Christmas Eve Candlelit service (it's beautiful) and come home to share Christmas with my side. Then we wake up to our own little Christmas and then go to B's side for breakfast and more Christmas!

As for gifts, we started a tradition where one person would open theirs, and then pick a gift for someone else to open. We had to implement this, because otherwise they would all rip through the presents, and we would miss some of their reactions.

I love the code idea! I would like to learn more on how you do this, that would be cool to start with my kids.

The other thing we do every year is make cut out cookies and frost them as a family. Fun, fun.

I think I'm finally in the Christmas spirit. Lots of catching up to do today!

9:59 AM

Blogger Katie said...

Sweet stuff there Mr. Ben, you're such a GOOD guy. What a cute family you have, which leads me to my question: When are you moving to TEXAS?

10:28 AM

Blogger Stephanie said...

Oh my! If Katie had her way, everyone would move to Texas! hahaha

I have a better idea: Guys, we should petition Katie to move up here! Yeah! I'm a big fan of that idea! lol

Anyway, Ben: this is all just adoreable! How fun it must have been (all the bloodshed aside ;) to discover new traditions together! Sounds like you guys have a great thing going for the holidays!

Merry Christmas Ben-jammin!

11:14 AM

Blogger Susan said...

As Shenna's older sister by 11 years, some of the traditions were a little different because as my parents "aged", things changed. Plus, she's the baby of the family. LOL. My parents didn't go to church when I was younger so they'd use a ruse to drive around and look at decorations and Christmas lights on Christmas Eve. Then, when we got home all the presents would be under the tree. When my brother and I were VERY young, Santa would come around midnight and they'd wake us up to open presents (presumably so they could sleep in the next morning).
I still make the Christmas cookies on Christmas Eve day and our family frosts them on Christmas day. We usually have a nice breakfast (yes, I cook--but to me breakfast is easy) then graze on snacks the rest of the day. Pizza is one of the standards, but now we may have to try homemade. :-)
My husband is NOT traditional at all and our grandkids helped push him through the traditions. This year, his son will be in London and me, my youngest son and my husband will be with Shenna. Pray for travel mercies to and from Texas!
Merry Christmas to you and yours.

11:45 AM

Blogger steve said...

Love it my friend. I also love traditions. For me its hard around teh Holidays because I dont have my own traditions right now and my old family ones have changed because both my bro and sis have their own families and traditions. Nevertheless, I aint complaining! I have a wonderful family and I love hearing stories that touch on that feeling.

God bless!

3:02 PM

Blogger Katie said...

WHAT? No response to my comment, nothing, nodda, nunza, whatever getting all huffy over on my blog and yet you snub me here


3:55 PM

Blogger Greg said...


This honorary big brother of yours is going to come down to TEXAS and give that head full ridiculously shiny hair a nuggy.

In response to your short comment... I am NEVER moving to Texas. ;)

Put up your dukes.

4:26 PM

Blogger Katie said...


4:36 PM

Blogger Katie said...










4:56 PM

Blogger JLR said...

I LOVE CHRISTMAS! And you truly seem to have the right Christmas spirit.

5:23 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My mom used to do the code thing for us when we were kids. Because she hated it when we'd pick up one of our gifts and say, "It's an EasyBake oven." She always wanted us to be surprised.

Also? I think she went to the same cooking school as your mom because her pork chops are nasty-dry too. I always think I don't like pork chops because I've only ever known the dried out shoe leather kind.

I like your homemade pizza tradition!

9:38 PM

Blogger Eddo said...

I love traditions despite the fact that I grew up in a family without any. I think it was the gap in my parents age (20 years) that caused them to just sort of do whatever each year.

Me, personally, I plan to decorate the house every year with lights the day after Thanksgiving while my wife goes out and shops.

I plan to put the tree up that same weekend and leave it up until the New Year.

I want to always, always go out to dinner for Christmas Eve and then spend Christmas day indoors with my family.

I know I am not even married yet, but I can hope can't I?

3:45 PM

Blogger Charlyn said...

Eddo, you forgot one thing - inlaws!! :)

5:27 PM

Blogger amelia said...

I love Christmas traditions! And I think your secret code system is awesome! My parents were last-minute shoppers and never wrapped gifts until Christmas eve after we were in bed. My brother and I would sneak out of bed and lay on the floor and try to peak under their door while they wrapped....

5:59 AM

Blogger eyes_only4him said...

i just wanted to stop and say HI..I saw you at msthangs..

I saw married in Minnseotta and knew i had to come by..I live in MN too...nice post too

7:27 AM


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