Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Skewed Perspectives.

I was driving into work this morning and the morning sky was brilliant shades of orange and pink... few clouds in the sky... sun barely peeking out over the horizon...

Promising start to a new day.

The sky was lined with the vapor trails from airplanes that were streaking through the picture... Have you ever noticed that these exhaust trails are perfectly straight? You would think that planes would at least have some margin of error that would cause them to meander back and forth a bit... but not the case. Maybe it would look like that if we were closer, but because we are viewing it from such a great distance that this distance skews our perspective. I think that we all probably live life with a slightly skewed perspective... and that is not necessarily a bad thing. If this were not the case, we would most likely concentrate too much on the imperfections in life and miss the beauty that God has given to us for our viewing pleasure.


Blogger Amstaff Mom said...

Way to stop and smell the roses, Ben McMinn. You really keep things in perspective, my friend.

8:49 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've always know I look better from a distance for a reason!

9:01 AM

Blogger Stephanie said...

And then there are those people (me) who DO examine all the bad stuff under a microscope: but *I* don't generally miss the good stuff. God's creation is way too cool to miss.

Talk about information overload... lol!

9:44 AM

Blogger Katie said...

Ben for every compliment you have given me you have deserved them back in turn. I've said it before, but it bears repeating: You, my honorary brother, are a brillant minded man, who sees things in this world that many would let go unnoticed. That is a quality that is not in abundance in this world.

10:18 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very well put, my friend.

10:35 AM

Blogger Greg said...


I pale in comparison... to you... that's why you are ahead in the smart point competition... ;)

10:39 AM

Blogger Katie said...

I am not at all worthy of such praise (trust me I know myself), but I thank you for your continued encouragement

One day I might grow up and be as cool as you (but in girl form - then I would be as cool as Sydney)

10:53 AM

Blogger Greg said...

Let's face it... we're both pretty cool. lol.

11:00 AM

Blogger Katie said...

Duh you and Syd are two of the coolest people I know

11:06 AM

Blogger Greg said...

I meant you and I... but now that you mention it... Sydney is pretty cool as well.


11:08 AM

Blogger Katie said...

yeah I figured that was what you meant, hee hee, sorry sometimes I can't resist the urge to cause you to compliment me again (nasty habit, such a girl thing to do)

11:12 AM

Blogger Charlyn said...

Optimism is good!

"I've always known I look better from a distance for a reason" Amber, you crack me up!!

11:42 AM


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