Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Do I have an eating disorder?

Today my diet has consisted of:

3 oreo cookies for breakfast,
a cup of coffee,
8 Hersey's Almond Chololate Kisses,
a small (snack machine sized) bag of baked lays,
and a bottle of water.

Is this normal ... or even healthy?

Just curious.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would you let your children eat like that?????!!!! You are so getting fed healthy when you are here!!! I know Syd feeds you well. For shame Ben!
See you in....(shriek with joy) 3 days!! I think Syd and I could have a pot of coffee and chat all day BUT have a wedding to go to. I'm not bitter...just jealous!! LOLOL

1:35 PM

Blogger Greg said...

She TOLD me that you both talked for 2 hours the other day.


1:39 PM

Blogger chirky said...

i have days like that. and i quite enjoy them, because i am SUGAR LIPS.

but then at the end of the day, when i go home and think about dinner, i start to get sick over what i ate earlier in the day, mostly because how unhealthy!

and then i vow not to do it again.

and then i do it again.

i think you see where this is going.

3:04 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

How did you manage to stop after only 8 Kisses? Especially the almond kind--yum!

Your diet sounds like mine back in my single days.

5:03 PM

Blogger Eddo said...

OREOS! i can't have them around me for any amount of time, I would eat the whole entire bag without blinking an eye. I am getting hungry just thinking about them...

6:02 PM

Blogger amelia said...

My teeth are ringing just reading your list! I had a couple days like that around Christmas. My diet was peanut butter hershey kisses and diet mountain dew. The diet part was good right???

7:35 PM

Blogger Jenny said...

Yummy! Not only is it good, nutritious food, but also it makes you have a shiney coat and soft skin. Er...

8:24 PM

Blogger Amstaff Mom said...

Sorry to break it to you Ben McMinn, but chocolate is NOT one of the food groups. But you can discuss that with the FDA. At least you had a bottle of water though!

It's been a long time since I've had an Oreo, but they're worth the black teeth.

7:16 AM

Blogger Charlyn said...

The water is good, and the baked lays are a good choice if you have to have junk food! :)

Next time pack an apple or piece of fruit, or maybe some yogurt.

Or, if you have to have chocolate, have 1 or 2 kisses, then stop.

Steer clear of the oreos - whoa! (Like Eddo, we can't keep those in our house - especially the double stuffs or the chocolate!)

Did you feel sluggish after the initial high?? LOL!

8:01 AM

Blogger Eddo said...

I could use some coffee and donuts right about now, I feel like splurging for some reason...

10:28 AM

Blogger Crystal said...

Are you trying to lose weight? It sounds fine to me. The only thing different that I would have added was a small box of raisins.

1:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hate to tell you this, but I think you're about to get your period.

9:15 AM


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