Wednesday, April 26, 2006

At Jes's request:

An Ode to Jes feeling like she needs to vomit...

Yesterday, Jes felt the need to vomit.
She had a similar feeling that we all have when we see a preview for Wallace and Gromit.

Yesterday, Jes felt like she needed to puke...
But the question is, does she feel the same today... or was it a fluke?

Yesterday, Jes felt the need to hurl...
So the question must be asked... could she be? Do we dare ask... is it a boy or a girl?

Yesterday, Jes felt like she needed to blow chunks...
Much like one would see retching from the mouths of drunks.

Yesterday, Jes felt the need to spew...
When she requested me to write a poem about it... my first thought was “ew”.

Yesterday, Jes felt like she needed to heave...
I am just hoping that if she did... that she didn’t heave on her sleeve.

Yesterday, Jes felt the need to regurgitate...
Her only desire was that the nauseous feeling in her stomach would alleviate.

Yesterday, Jes felt like she was getting a little woozy...
Kind of like the feeling you get when you spend too much time in a Jacuzzi.

Yesterday, Jes felt the need to get ill...
More than likely, she had a plan and she had looked for something in which she could fill.

Yesterday, Jes’s stomach felt a little spastic...
She had a feeling that her stomach was expanding like elastic.

Yesterday, Jes felt like she needed to barf...
I am not sure, but could it be a result of all the food she did snarf?

Yesterday, Jes felt the need to throw up...
If she did... I am sure it would remind us of, after eating grass, the liquid-y yellow barf of a wolf pup.

Today, after writing that line, Ben feels like he is going to be sick...
I can’t believe I just wrote that... ick, Ick, ICK!

Today, we are all hoping that Jes feels ghetto - fabulous...
And furthermore, we are hoping that her stomach is not acidulous. (Yeah I know... but that is as good as it gets. YOU find something that rhymes with ghetto - fabulous.)

The End.


Blogger Amstaff Mom said...

Ugh. I feel ill as well after reading that second-to-last line.

Me thinks you have too much time on your hands, Ben McMinn.

11:32 AM

Blogger Katie said...


11:53 AM

Blogger Charlyn said...


Now I feel like I need to vomit!

And if that doesn't do it, the giant "turd-looking" hairball I found on the floor this morning sure could!

12:50 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

is adiculous even a word?

this poem made me laugh!

3:21 PM

Blogger Greg said...


I think I just barfed a little in my mouth.

A "turd-looking" hairball? *Shiver*

4:02 PM

Blogger Amanda said...


i have this cough that could easily turn into puking, and your poem gave it a giant push in that direction.

3:31 AM

Blogger Real Life in South Carolina said...

I think this might be the first poem in history written about Barfing...there's a reason there aren't any other poems written about this subject, which brings me to this question...Why in the world did I keep reading on???

7:23 AM

Blogger Jenny said...

Ben, why did you write a poem about jes and her feeling the need to ralph? her need to up-chuck? to urp?

(just giving you a possible three more stanzas)

10:30 AM

Blogger Jenny said...

Rob just added "technicolor yawn"

I am so grossed out.

10:31 AM

Blogger Aim Claim said...

disgusting!!!! icky!

ps I loved the regurgitate one


1:15 PM

Blogger Tim Rice said...

Ben, you never cease to amaze me. I wonder what it would be like to know you in person. ;) You're definitely a character! But didn't I know that already?

Thanks for making me smile.

4:16 PM


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