Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Now back to your regularly scheduled program...

Well, I decided to start posting more regularly again. It has been hit and miss lately... but I am changing my ways because... as always, I am all about change.

This weekend was pretty good. On Saturday, I lazed around... I think. I am having a mental block on Saturday. Now that I think about it, I actually can't remember what I did on Saturday. Hm. Completely blocked out of my mind. That's spooky... kind of having a moment here. Wonder if this is the first sign of old age? Saturday, Saturday... *shrug* Well, I can't remember what I did on Saturday. WAIT! It just came to me... I did lay in bed all morning and then in the afternoon, Sydney and I went grocery shopping. That's what we did. Okay... whew... feel much better now. MUCH BETTER. Okay... anyway, Sunday started out with me preaching at my church which went really well. I enjoyed getting up there and speaking God's word... it is amazing how God will use you if you allow him too. Very humbling experience to stand before the Lord preaching His word. However, I would do it again in a heartbeat. Sunday afternoon was an international student picnic. So Sydney and the kids joined me as we hung out with people from all over the world. Jake had a blast playing baseball, soccer, frisbee, football. Definately in his element.

And then yesterday was our Fantasy Football Draft. Which was good except for our Curtis Martin Pick in the 10th round. What a waste! I didn't know he was out for the next 6 weeks! Fricken Fracken! Razzle Frazzle... And people told us we could change, but my pride got in the way and I kept him. Other than that... it was okay. Think we will be alright... hopefully. So yesterday was the "Official Start" to the NFL season... which is great. I love football... I must admit that it is one of my most favorite all time things.

Go Pack!

Anyway, that was my weekend...


Blogger Amstaff Mom said...

I don't watch football. Can we still be friends?

Glad you had a good weekend, including Saturday, whatever it was that you did then.

12:41 PM

Blogger Katie said...

sounds like a relaxing weekend

and glad to have you back

1:30 PM

Blogger Jennboree said...

Way to go on the preaching! That is no small task.

I have to admit, my eyes glazed over once I read Fantasy Football Blah Blah Blah.

Glad you'll be posting more frequently, otherwise :)

3:03 PM

Blogger Deals On Wheels said...

Trevor is way obsessed with football. He is a dedicated Cowboy fan, whereas I root for the Eagles for two reasons:

1) It drives Trevor crazy (but is also a lot of fun when the two teams play each other)

2) I went to college with McNabb, and when Philly drafted him the fans boo-ed him (now, of course, they LOVE him, but I became a Philly fan back in '99 to give him some extra support anyway).

5:28 PM

Blogger Charlyn said...

Goin to the Packer/Bears game this weekend! It is going to be awesome!

9:19 PM


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