Thursday, February 10, 2005

"Taking a good look at myself"

I still don't know how I feel about this blogging.... It leaves me feeling quite vulnerable to have others see this part of my life. But sometimes, stiff norweigans need to be stretched.

I was reading my husbands blog this morning and when I read the part that he thinks I make him look bad, it hurt. I know that in the past I had done this without realizing the hurt I was unintentionally causing. I didn't think I was still doing it. It's hard to hear that you are failing your spouse in an area or making them feel dumb. To be completely honest I wanted to jump on and blog the things he does that makes me look or feel badly, but then realized that I was doing the exact same thing he was talking about. It's hard not to point the finger at things the other person is doing and truly examine yourself first... and straighten out yourself. I need to really think about this. Granted let me state for the record that he meant this in jest. Ben was not in anyway trying make me feel bad but it did. This WAS NOT his intent!!!!

so this pregnant and probably way too emotional wife, is going to go clean the house and think and pray about herself. Hopefully I will be able to sort out for myself exactly what I need to do to change this.



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