On a much lighter note... I was watching American Idol last night (and of course you people sent the wrong person home...) but besides that.... Did anybody else see Vonzelle "gleek" when she semi-laughed semi-sighed when she found out that she was safe. It was SO funny. I recorded it on TIVO and Sydney and I rewound it about four times. This was the conversation:
Ben: Did you just see that?
Sydney: See what?
Ben: She just gleeked.
Sydney: What??
Ben: I'm Serious.
Ben: See... riiight.... THERE. See that?
Sydney: You're right!
Ben: HaHaHaHaHa.... She just gleeked on national TV during a close up!
Sydney: *laughing*
Ben: Let's watch it again!
Ben: HaHaHaHaHa... that is funny.
Anyway, did anybody else see it?
(By the way, we like Vonzelle... she is a great singer... but she did gleek.)
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