"Write about the movie, will he..."
*said in my best attempt at a yoda voice*
Well, I went to Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith and it was, all in all, a pretty good experience. The night started out (as I was walking out the door for the movie) with a hug from Sydney as she said: "Have a good time, MY Star Wars man." Ahhhh... nothing better than a wife who understands the need to live on the edge and go to a late night movie every now and again. I got there at 10:15 and waited in line until about 11 o'clock when the doors opened. There weren't any strange men dressed up in storm trooper costumes and Chewi wasn't to be seen... so I was a little disappointed with rural america. *snap* After my buddies and I found a seat... I literally gorged myself on a medium size bag of popcorn before the movie started. Although my stomach hurt really bad... it was a great movie.

Full of endless action I was not disappointed. Probably one of my favorite in the cronicles so far. Of course I have provided for your entertainment another Yoda picture. Ever since I was a kid, yoda has been my favorite character. I believe that it is because he is such a small creature. And although I am not much taller than Yoda right now... (okay so maybe I am exaggerating my shortness...) "Strong is the force with him." He IS the coolest. ANYWAY... I think the best thing I liked about this movie is the subtle hints toward the end of the movie to move the series back to the old school format... old computers and red and white buttons... couple of shots of really bright, white hallways... ultimately, it was a great movie. On the Star Wars' Scale, I give it a 9.5 And I believe that everyone should see it at least once in their life to say they saw it. Me I will watch it many more times than that.
In short, it was a great experience and I would do it again tonight... if I had the chance.
So I got out of the movie at 2:30 am and I got home and in bed by 3 am. I took the day off so I could sleep in and Sydney, Jake, MickerMackers, Leah and I are going to go plant our garden this afternoon. Needless to say, I will be wielding that hoe like a light saber to day... (okay maybe not.) But the force will surely be with me. lol.
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