Friday, January 27, 2006

Is it just me?

Or does everybody have troubles with their blogger sign-on?

I always get about halfway through with my password and I am not sure if I did it right so I have to go back and start over...

It just didn't feel right...

This leads me into my next point... I think I have a slight case of OCD. I didn't know what OCD was until last night I was perusing the channels and I stopped on MTV and it was a special on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder... and it caught my eye because this guy was putting his deoderant on a specific way... and I thought... THAT'S ME! Well not quite... but there was an uncanny similarity. Now when I say that I have a "slight" case of OCD... I mean it only pertains to certain things... Like when I get out of the shower... before I shut the water off, I always count backwards from 10... TWO TIMES. So, maybe my bathroom behavior is only OCD... 'cause I really can't think of anything else I am Obsessive Compulsive about.... But the more I think about it... the more I come up with. Hm.

ANYWAY, I guess that information is "for your FYI."


Blogger Katie said...

well ben just for your FYI, you sound to be a bit more than slightly OCD. You count backwards before turning off the water? why? And I find it quite interesting that you are self-diagnosing yourself via MTV.

10:38 AM

Blogger Greg said...

Just so you know... I count backwards because I can't get myself to just turn the water off and go into the "Cold" so I have to psych myself up.

In regard to self-diagnosing myself via MTV... this is not a Obsessive Compulsive sort of thing... I just happened to be channel surfing.

I have dropped the number of swipes of deoderant under each arm from 12 to 10... so I am making progress.

For your FYI.

10:45 AM

Blogger JLR said...

Counting is very OCD, fyi. I am an expert on OCD. Ok, I'm not, but I did write a paper on it in undergrad for my Abnormal Psych class.

Why is 10 swipes better than 12? Are you working your way down? Are you hoping one day to work down to none? Because I know it's cold there and all, but dude.

10:47 AM

Blogger Greg said...

I guess I am working my way down to a "normal" amount of swipes under each arm... but I am not really sure what "normal" is. As a result, I am probably a case study from one of your "Abnormal" Psychology text books.

10:53 AM

Blogger Katie said...

10 swipes, I think you might be over-swiping, really I believe one swipe should work, two if you feel like you will be really glandular in the sweat department.

Oh Ben, these are the things that make you PRICELESS.

11:03 AM

Blogger Greg said...

Just so you know Katie... we have already had this conversation... and I am doing my best to work my way back... but I will admit that I am Obessive Compulsive about having BO. I don't want to stink... it's a fear of mine... ever since I was on a family vacation during puberty and my mom told me I stank as she looked back at me with distain as we were all stuck in the car for driving for miles on end...


11:09 AM

Blogger Greg said...

Although, in the same breath... I will say that ever since those emails came out stating that there is an ingredient in deoderant that causes cancer that I have also been worried that I am slowly killing myself... but I guess that my fear of BO must out weigh my fear of death because it hasn't caused me to change more quickly... that and I think those emails are just an urban legend.

11:14 AM

Blogger Katie said...

darn you commented too quickly now my comment looks stupid

11:17 AM

Blogger Greg said...

Far be it from me to make you look stupid... ;)

11:28 AM

Blogger Katie said...

wait no, my comment that was stupid is not missing, so I look even more stupid, or stupider, or *sigh* it's friday right?

12:08 PM

Blogger Greg said...

I removed it so that I would keep you from feeling stupid... but alas, I can only do so much. ;)

12:21 PM

Blogger Katie said...

well now I'm stupid and clueless, you're doing a good job of shrinking my big head :)

12:23 PM

Blogger Greg said...

To all of my readers...

Katie is not Stupid...
I repeat...
Katie is not Stupid...

or clueless.

She's cool.
She's my friend.
She's my honorary Sister.

Anybody who thinks she is anything but exceptional will have to deal with me... and you need to worry... because I am obsessive compulsive about things like this.

12:27 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you need a twelve swipe program?

12:30 PM

Blogger Katie said...

ah thanks big bro, you're the best

hula - I laughed out loud at the "12 swipe program"

12:31 PM

Blogger Stephanie said...

WHAT has gone ON here since I've been away!?!?

Counting backwards? 12 swipe programs? Deflating heads?

Surely I've stepped into the twilight zone... what's the best way out of here...?

1:13 PM

Blogger Charlyn said...

Funny! You psyche yourself up to get out of the shower!!

I hum happy birthday in my head while washing my hands. I read somewhere that you should wash your hands for at least that long to get all of the germs off! And, I use a paper towel in public restrooms to touch the door handle. OCD big time!

Speaking of germs, shopping carts? Have you heard?? Disgusting!! You must wash your hands throroughly after pushing a shopping cart. Do you know what kinds of things they have found on there? EW!

1:39 PM

Blogger Katie said...

commenting just because . . .

4:27 PM

Blogger Deals On Wheels said...

I like how there were, like, 20 comments for this post, and all but 3 were a bizarre conversation between Ben and Katie.

Because THAT's not OCD or anything. Hmmmm...

12:26 AM

Blogger Eddo said...

twice? why twice? Why not just count backwards from 20?

I am not the least bit OCD. I actually get bored with routines and so I am always changing things up - or maybe that is a type of OCD behavior?!?!?!?!!?! OMW! I am OCD! I change my blog template about every 4 weeks. I have to have constant incessant change, that must be a type of disorder.

Thanks Ben, now I need a therapist.

And no, I never have trouble with my logon because IE remembers it for me. I just type e and then hit enter twice - and I am in. I guess that is what separates the "pros" from the "i don't knows".


4:30 PM


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