Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Nothing extrodinary.

Weekend was good... nothing new happening. We did get a new refriderator and oven though. My folks are renovating their kitchen and just purchased new stainless steel appliances. Their old appliances were only 8 years old... so practically new. They gave them to us. Which is great because our refridgerator was old and it's seal was coming off. It was pretty much on it's last leg... everytime I would open the fridge, I would be stressed out because it was about to die and I had no idea how I was going to be able to afford a new fridge. But, as always, the Lord provides. We even got a bonus oven and dishwasher... so life is good. What a great example of how the Lord knows what we need and how He puts things in motion to provide for us. Sometimes, He provides even when we don't ask Him to.

Anyway, Jake and I drove up to Fargo and back to pick them up. Jake played video games all the way up and back on his game boy... so we didn't get much talking done... but we did enjoy McDonalds and Paridiso together. Paridiso... is a Mexican restaurant in Fargo... I ate until I was as big as the chicken chimi changa that I had just consumed.. Muy Delicioso!


I forgot to mention that my good friend Jim helped me load all of the aforementioned appliances and he ate at Paridiso with Jake and I. Sorry friend... your absence from the story was completely unitentional. Thanks for all the help though! I really am grateful!


Blogger Katie said...

sometimes the normal and mundane turns out to be pretty darn good

congrats on the "new to you" appliances

11:30 AM

Blogger JB-ND said...

I don't even get an honorable mention?? sup with that.

3:14 PM

Blogger Charlyn said...

As in "ya der hey?" Fargo??!!

Congrats on the gifts from above!

9:31 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need pictures. That is what this site needs - MORE PICTURES! Pictures of Appliances and Benjino and Micker and Bug and Jake and Christmas Minnesota style.

Glad God provided for you, he's cool like that.

I'm totally leaving this anon to see if you can figure out who this is...

11:29 AM

Blogger Greg said...

Whatever Jes... Of course I know who this is... who ELSE hounds me about pictures. I need a more portable digital camera. Ours is too big to tote around.

11:53 AM


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