Wednesday, December 13, 2006

It was a "Weekend of Spew"

People were spewing all over the place.

On Friday night, Sydney went in to work out at the Y. Jake, Micker Mackers and I had just sat down to play a game.

The game we were playing was Millborne. It is a racing card game where you play mile per hour cards to be the first one to reach a thousand miles. You can play 25, 50, 75, 100 and 200 mph cards. In order to play cards you have to have a green light. At any time, people can place hazard cards on you like: Flat Tire, Out of Gas, Accident, Stop Lights... They can also play speed limit cards on you where you can only play 50 mile per hour cards or lower. In order to be able to play, again, you need to get a remedy card like: Spare Tire, Gas Tank, Repairs... etc and then in order to get rolling again you have to play a Green Light again. Fun game and there are a few more rules, but you get the gist.

Anyway, we are having fun... speeding along when I look over to Bug Bug who is laying on the couch, and she is SPEWING all over the couch! So I drop my cards and grab her to race her to the bathroom... on our way, she proceeds to spew all over the dining room... as we reach the hallway, she spews some more... and then when we FINALLY reached the bathroom... she spewed AGAIN.

So, I immediately go out to the living room and instruct Jake and MacKenzie to go upstairs before they look at the vomit and start barfing themselves. I grabbed Benji and put him in his room and closed the door. (He wasn't happy.) And then I got Bug into the bath tub. After that... I cleaned up all the spew from everywhere... took the couch cushion down stairs along with the bathroom rug and anything else I could find that had spew on it. And then I washed Leah up. Once that was done and she was dressed, I laid her on a towel in the living room (in case she spewed some more... which she did.) And then Jake and Mack came back down. Jake said his stomach felt a little off, so I gave him a bucket. Got people to bed shortly there after... although, I, being the wise one that I am, had Jake sleep on the dining room floor because his room was a mess with toys and I could see him spewing all over his room and toys.... Good thing because Jake started his barf fest by missing the icecream bucket. Unfortunately for him, the Stomach flu hit him the worst and he continued to barf every half hour from about 8:30 until 4:30 in the morning.

And then I got sick on Saturday night.

And then the "Weekend of Spew" was over.


Blogger Katie said...

YUCK, sorry for so much spewing in the MIM household

2:04 PM

Blogger Charlyn said...

What is up with the poop and spew posts?

I'm getting queasy.

7:09 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My stomach is feeling a little queasy after reading this.

5:10 PM

Blogger Amanda said...

gah. that is nasty.

do you Yell-Puke? daniel does. i think it is a man thing.

4:08 PM

Blogger Eddo said...

Holy Moses! That was the most horrible post ever. Well, not that the post was horrible it was actually interesting but I cannot even begin to imagine the mess and the cleanup involved in all of that. I probably would have just told everyone to get in the car and then I would have set the place on fire. Germs killed. Problems solved.

4:22 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This post made me nauseated

9:05 PM


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