I was a Big Yellow Chicken for Halloween...

It's official... I am the Ebenezar Scrooge of Halloween... It's too flippin' cold to go trick or treating. That and we never went Trick or Treating when I was a kid... okay... we did for awhile... but then we stopped after awhile. Largely because it is a holiday that celebrates all the evil spirits and what not and my folks didn't think that was necessary. Instead my parents created a tradition of having a family night where we played games and ate doughnuts and drank apple cider.
So yesterday, after a lack of planning on our part... Sydney told the kids that we were not going trick or treating... Lips came out and tears were shed. That is until she told them we were going to have a family night and play games and what not. Then the smiles came back. I stopped by the devil store itself (walmart) and purchased 2 tiara's and wands with stars on them... Micker Mackers and Bug pretended to be fairies all night. I can't tell you how many times that I was changed into something and then back into "Dad." Jake was King Peter from Narnia. I picked up cider, and doughnuts and candy and caramel squares and ingredients for popcorn balls. So we spent a fun evening together making memories... and caramel apples and popcorn balls... Candy was eaten and games were played.
And it was WARM... and I didn't have to freeze my ol' tail feathers off out in the cold. Because, although I did not have a costume, I was a BIG Yellow Chicken for Halloween... BUT I was a warm Chicken.
Anyway... that was our house last night.
We don't celebrate Halloween either. Yuck.
But we have family night also. Usually bowling or a movie. This time we went to the grandparents and had pizza. Both girls were busy, so it wasn't the "whole family". That's what happens when they become teenagers.
Sounds like you guys made some fun memories!
3:40 PM
weffriddles suck!!!!
6:25 PM
FUN FUN FUN! We went to church and did that whole craazyyyyyy thing. It was fun!
6:31 PM
That sounds like way more fun than trick or treating!!
8:14 PM
"played games and ate doughnuts and drank apple cider."
That is the weirdest combination EVER! With our donuts here in Texas we drink Milk - 2% preferably or chocolate.
We didn't trick or treat at all growing up either, however, our church has a huge indoor festival for the kiddos and so that is nice. And it is much warmer here, I think it was in the 70-80's over the weekend but now it is in the lower 50's which still isn't bad.
11:28 AM
devil store..hehe.
1:46 PM
i thought that was you in the chicken suit and was ready to make all kinds of fun of you, but alas it is not you so I have nothing to say now
2:21 PM
We didn't go trick or treating either ... but not because of the same reasons you didn't. Our town doesn't allow it - instead they put on a party for the kids at the local community center. We didn't go to that either - which was met with frowns and whines .. until I whipped out the Yatzee box and had my butt handed to me by a 7 year old.
(btw your RSS link doesn't work right ... it's pointing me to your old site (marriedinminnesota.blogspot.com)that tells me that you moved. yeah, I got totally lazy and am reading blog posts in an rss reader.)
8:54 AM
This is the first Halloween we let our kids go trick or treating. I have to say the entire time I kept feeling like I was doing something wrong. But the kids were so cute all dressed up. Like the idea of family night.
2:24 PM
I think that actually sounds like quite a lovely evening, despite no trick-or-treating. And it seems that the kids liked it.
Everyone wins!
5:59 PM
SO SWEET!! And awesome family time to boot!
6:44 AM
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