Old friends.

Today has been a day of visiting with old friends... gotta love old friends.
You know the kind... the ones that you can pick up like you never left off... and even though you are miles apart... you never forget them... although, when I called my friend Katy... she did say, "Um... I think you have the wrong number bud." We proceeded to talk for 40 minutes after that exchange.
Old friends are like your favorite hat or shirt... no matter how long it's been since you have seen them... when you are reunited, something just fits.
old friends are cool like that (and anybody named katy (ok she has a y instead of an ie but I'll let that pass) is guaranteed to be cool
3:33 PM
These are the true friends.
I love how the love never ends.
10:03 AM
I'm so thankful for my old friends. They are my family!
11:50 AM
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