Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I am the unluckiest lucky guy I know...

Or am I the luckiest unlucky guy I know...

Last Thursday and Friday, I traveled up to Duluth MN for a Minnesota International Educators meeting... and I won a Dell Inspiron 2160 Laptop. About 3 years ago, our organization purchased a laptop for our secretary to use; however, the secretaries, over the last few years, have never used it. So our organization had a laptop that was pretty much unused and in pristine condition. As a result, they had a lottery and all the members dropped our business cards in a bag and my business card was pulled out. Now, normally, I would be estatic that I just won a laptop computer... but the problem is, that Sydney and I purchased two laptop computers about a year ago and we already have a desktop as well. So our family now has 4 computers.


Now I am in a dilema about what to do with this computer. I was talking this over with one of my close friends the other day and our conversation when like this:

Me: "Why couldn't we have purchased the secretary a 4 wheeler?"
Friend: "...because a 4 wheeler is needed so much more in an office setting than a computer?"
Me: "EXACTLY... need to go for coffee... jump on the 4 wheeler."

...If someone is giving you a hard time at the office... run them over. I could find all kinds of uses for a 4 wheeler at the office. And the point is, she wouldn't have needed the 4 wheeler either, so I would have won that instead of a computer that I don't need. Anyway, this is just my luck. So now I am trying to figure out what to do with this computer that we have... I was going to use it at the office... but my current computer has 712 megabytes of RAM... and this computer only has 256 megabytes of RAM. So I decided that won't work. We thought that my brother-in-law may need a computer... but he doesn't anymore. We have a couple other ideas, but for the sake of making things more confusing... I am looking for suggestions. The most creative suggestion may even win a computer... who knows?


Blogger Aim Claim said...

Its hard being unluckily luckly.

ps. 4 wheelers would be fun in the office. I had a skateboard freshman year of college in the dorm that I used to ride down the hall... people thought I was crazy... or maybe they just thought I was lazy?

9:34 AM

Blogger Katie said...

AHAHAHAHAHA Aims rode a skateboard down the halls of her dorm, that makes me laugh just picturing it

9:43 AM

Blogger Katie said...

oh yes . . . . . extra computer. . . . i can give you my address

9:45 AM

Blogger Eddo said...

That line about watching it all like a cockroach in a corner was good writing! But I have to admit, creative writing is difficult - especially if you are in a hurry and you just want to post something quick. I normally have a good idea for a post in my head and I let it marinate for a while before I write about it. Sometimes the analogies just flow, sometimes they don't. I still get in too much of a hurry and I don't go back and clean it up like I should. Blogging has a way of making people be lazy writers because no one is grading us.

Thanksfor the props on the writing and the site design. I appreciate both!

9:52 AM

Blogger Eddo said...

Only 256MB of Ram? Only 700+ MB's of RAM? HOW DO YOU FUNCTION! I got to have more RAM than that. YIKES!

I would suggest taking that computer and covering it in a scales and then sending it back in time so it can be in it's natural habitat - with the dinosaurs.

Or save it for the kiddos to play games on.

Or donate it to charity.

Or use it as a hotplate for when you need to set a hot casserole dish on the table.

10:02 AM

Blogger steve said...

Church donation?

11:54 AM

Blogger Charlyn said...

Do a raffle at your blog. That way you still get something out of it! ;)

Laptop - definitely needed in our house, 2 teens, one almost in college....

Or, find a needy family in your area??

As for the Pack, I couldn't tell you what happened, all I know is I had a very unhappy hubby who went to the game, and got fried to boot, not expecting the sun to be out! What are we going to do about our Pack??

12:38 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, heavens. You could, you know...give it to some poor soul who keeps trying to win one on the Internet.

Hmmm...who has blogged about that before?

5:03 PM

Blogger Jennboree said...

See if a school could use it? Or your church?

7:19 PM

Blogger Heather said...

Donate it to charity and use the tax write off. It's a win/win.

4:36 PM

Blogger Chandra said...

If you know someone at church that needs it give it to them. If you don't then my mom needs a new computer or new to her. I gave her my old one I got in 99 and the monitor has tone on tone color to it. She can't even look at the screen anymore. I will pay for shipping. It never hurts to ask right?

8:27 AM

Blogger Real Life in South Carolina said...

Just a few suggestions:

You could:

donate it to a school or church

Christmas is coming up - you could give it to someone then

sell it on ebay

9:57 AM


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